قرآن اور حدیث

The Holy Qur'an

Recite Online Urdu Translation Recite Sura

English Translation
Sura | Ayah | Word
Arabic Only
Sura | Ayah | Word
Urdu Translation
Sura | Ayah | Word
[Developed By: Nauman Rajput - dynasoft.web@gmail.com]
ÇáÑ Êöáúßó ÂíóÇÊõ ÇáúßöÊóÇÈö ÇáúãõÈöíäö
1 . Alif . Lam . Ra . These are verses of the Scripture that maketh plain .
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2 . Lo! We have revealed it , a Lecture in Arabic , that ye may understand .
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3 . We narrate unto thee ( Muhammad ) the best of narratives in that We have inspired in thee this Quran , though aforetime thou wast of the heedless .
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4 . When Joseph said unto his father : O my father! Lo! I saw in a dream eleven planets and the sun and the moon , I saw them prostrating themselves unto me .
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5 . He said : O my dear son! Tell not thy brethren of thy vision . lest they plot a plot against thee . Lo! Satan is for man an open foe .
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6 . Thus thy Lord will prefer thee and will teach thee the interpretation of events , and will perfect his grace upon thee and upon the family of Jacob as he perfected it upon thy forefathers , Abraham and Isaac . Lo! thy Lord is Knower , Wise .
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7 . Verily in Joseph and his brethren are signs ( of Allah ' s Sovereignty ) for the inquiring .
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8 . When they said : Verily Joseph and his brother are dearer to our father than we are , many though we be . Lo! our father is in plain aberration .
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9 . ( One said ) : Kill Joseph or cast him to some ( other ) land , so that your father ' s favor may be all for you , and ( that ) ye may afterward be righteous folk .
ÞóÇáó ÞóÂÆöáñ ãøóäúåõãú áÇó ÊóÞúÊõáõæÇú íõæÓõÝó æóÃóáúÞõæåõ Ýöí ÛóíóÇÈóÉö ÇáúÌõÈøö íóáúÊóÞöØúåõ ÈóÚúÖõ ÇáÓøóíøóÇÑóÉö Åöä ßõäÊõãú ÝóÇÚöáöíäó
10 . One among them said : Kill not Joseph but , if ye must be doing , fling him into the depth of the pit ; some caravan will find him .
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11 . They said : O our father! Why wilt thou not trust us with Joseph , when lo! we are good friends to him?
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12 . Send him with us tomorrow that he may enjoy himself and play . And lo! we shall take good care of him .
ÞóÇáó Åöäøöí áóíóÍúÒõäõäöí Ãóä ÊóÐúåóÈõæÇú Èöåö æóÃóÎóÇÝõ Ãóä íóÃúßõáóåõ ÇáÐøöÆúÈõ æóÃóäÊõãú Úóäúåõ ÛóÇÝöáõæäó
13 . He said : Lo! in truth it saddens me that ye should take him with you , and I fear lest the wolf devour him while ye are heedless of him .
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14 . They said : If the wolf should devour him when we are ( so strong ) a band , then surely we should have already perished .
ÝóáóãøóÇ ÐóåóÈõæÇú Èöåö æóÃóÌúãóÚõæÇú Ãóä íóÌúÚóáõæåõ Ýöí ÛóíóÇÈóÉö ÇáúÌõÈøö æóÃóæúÍóíúäóÇ Åöáóíúåö áóÊõäóÈøöÆóäøóåõã ÈöÃóãúÑöåöãú åóÜÐóÇ æóåõãú áÇó íóÔúÚõÑõæäó
15 . Then , when they led him off , and were of one mind that they should place him in the depth of the pit , We inspired in him : Thou wilt tell them of this deed of theirs when they know ( thee ) not .
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16 . And they came weeping to their father in the evening .
ÞóÇáõæÇú íóÇ ÃóÈóÇäóÇ ÅöäøóÇ ÐóåóÈúäóÇ äóÓúÊóÈöÞõ æóÊóÑóßúäóÇ íõæÓõÝó ÚöäÏó ãóÊóÇÚöäóÇ ÝóÃóßóáóåõ ÇáÐøöÆúÈõ æóãóÇ ÃóäÊó ÈöãõÄúãöäò áøöäóÇ æóáóæú ßõäøóÇ ÕóÇÏöÞöíäó
17 . Saying : O our father! We went racing one with another , and left Joseph by our things , and the wolf devoured him , and thou believest not our sayings even when we speak the truth .
æóÌóÂÄõæÇ Úóáóì ÞóãöíÕöåö ÈöÏóãò ßóÐöÈò ÞóÇáó Èóáú ÓóæøóáóÊú áóßõãú ÃóäÝõÓõßõãú ÃóãúÑÇð ÝóÕóÈúÑñ Ìóãöíáñ æóÇááøåõ ÇáúãõÓúÊóÚóÇäõ Úóáóì ãóÇ ÊóÕöÝõæäó
18 . And they came with false blood on his shirt . He said : Nay , but your minds have beguiled you into something . ( My course is ) comely patience . And Allah it is whose help is to be sought in that ( predicament ) which ye describe .
æóÌóÇÁÊú ÓóíøóÇÑóÉñ ÝóÃóÑúÓóáõæÇú æóÇÑöÏóåõãú ÝóÃóÏúáóì Ïóáúæóåõ ÞóÇáó íóÇ ÈõÔúÑóì åóÜÐóÇ ÛõáÇóãñ æóÃóÓóÑøõæåõ ÈöÖóÇÚóÉð æóÇááøåõ Úóáöíãñ ÈöãóÇ íóÚúãóáõæäó
19 . And there came a caravan , and they sent their water- drawer . He let down his pail ( into the pit ) . He said : Good luck! Here is a youth . And they hid him as a treasure , and Allah was Aware of what they did .
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20 . And they sold him for a low price , a number of silver coins ; and they attached no value to him .
æóÞóÇáó ÇáøóÐöí ÇÔúÊóÑóÇåõ ãöä ãøöÕúÑó áÇöãúÑóÃóÊöåö ÃóßúÑöãöí ãóËúæóÇåõ ÚóÓóì Ãóä íóäÝóÚóäóÇ Ãóæú äóÊøóÎöÐóåõ æóáóÏÇð æóßóÐóáößó ãóßøóäøöÇ áöíõæÓõÝó Ýöí ÇáÃóÑúÖö æóáöäõÚóáøöãóåõ ãöä ÊóÃúæöíáö ÇáÃóÍóÇÏöíËö æóÇááøåõ ÛóÇáöÈñ Úóáóì ÃóãúÑöåö æóáóÜßöäøó ÃóßúËóÑó ÇáäøóÇÓö áÇó íóÚúáóãõæäó
21 . And he of Egypt who purchased him said unto his wife : Receive him honorably . Perchance he may prove useful to us or we may adopt him as a son . Thus We established Joseph in the land that We might teach him the interpretation of events . And Allah was predominant in his career , but most of mankind know not .
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22 . And when he reached his prime We gave him wisdom and knowledge . Thus We reward the good .
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23 . And she , in whose house he was , asked of him an evil act . She bolted the doors and said : Come! He said : I seek refuge in Allah! Lo! he is my lord , who hath treated me honorably . Wrong doers never prosper .
æóáóÞóÏú åóãøóÊú Èöåö æóåóãøó ÈöåóÇ áóæúáÇ Ãóä ÑøóÃóì ÈõÑúåóÇäó ÑóÈøöåö ßóÐóáößó áöäóÕúÑöÝó Úóäúåõ ÇáÓøõæÁó æóÇáúÝóÍúÔóÇÁ Åöäøóåõ ãöäú ÚöÈóÇÏöäóÇ ÇáúãõÎúáóÕöíäó
24 . She verily desired him , and he would have desired her if it had not been that he saw the argument of his lord . Thus it was , that We might ward off from him evil and lewdness . Lo! he was of Our chosen slaves .
æóÇÓõÊóÈóÞóÇ ÇáúÈóÇÈó æóÞóÏøóÊú ÞóãöíÕóåõ ãöä ÏõÈõÑò æóÃóáúÝóíóÇ ÓóíøöÏóåóÇ áóÏóì ÇáúÈóÇÈö ÞóÇáóÊú ãóÇ ÌóÒóÇÁ ãóäú ÃóÑóÇÏó ÈöÃóåúáößó ÓõæóÁÇð ÅöáÇøó Ãóä íõÓúÌóäó Ãóæú ÚóÐóÇÈñ Ãóáöíãñ
25 . And they raced with one another to the door , and she tore his shirt from behind , and they met her lord and master at the door . She said : What shall be his reward , who wisheth evil to thy folk , save prison or a painful doom?
ÞóÇáó åöíó ÑóÇæóÏóÊúäöí Úóä äøóÝúÓöí æóÔóåöÏó ÔóÇåöÏñ ãøöäú ÃóåúáöåóÇ Åöä ßóÇäó ÞóãöíÕõåõ ÞõÏøó ãöä ÞõÈõáò ÝóÕóÏóÞóÊú æóåõæó ãöäó ÇáßóÇÐöÈöíäó
26 . ( Joseph ) said : She it was who asked of me an evil act . And in witness of her own folk testified : If his shirt is torn from before , then she speaketh truth and he is of the liars .
æóÅöäú ßóÇäó ÞóãöíÕõåõ ÞõÏøó ãöä ÏõÈõÑò ÝóßóÐóÈóÊú æóåõæó ãöä ÇáÕøóÇÏöÞöíäó
27 . And if his shirt is torn from behind , then she hath lied and he is of the truthful .
ÝóáóãøóÇ ÑóÃóì ÞóãöíÕóåõ ÞõÏøó ãöä ÏõÈõÑò ÞóÇáó Åöäøóåõ ãöä ßóíúÏößõäøó Åöäøó ßóíúÏóßõäøó ÚóÙöíãñ
28 . So when he saw his shirt torn from behind , he said : Lo! this is of the guile of you women . Lo! the guile of you is very great .
íõæÓõÝõ ÃóÚúÑöÖú Úóäú åóÜÐóÇ æóÇÓúÊóÛúÝöÑöí áöÐóäÈößö Åöäøóßö ßõäÊö ãöäó ÇáúÎóÇØöÆöíäó
29 . O Joseph! Turn away from this , and thou , ( O woman ) , ask forgiveness for thy sin . Lo! thou art of the sinful .
æóÞóÇáó äöÓúæóÉñ Ýöí ÇáúãóÏöíäóÉö ÇãúÑóÃóÉõ ÇáúÚóÒöíÒö ÊõÑóÇæöÏõ ÝóÊóÇåóÇ Úóä äøóÝúÓöåö ÞóÏú ÔóÛóÝóåóÇ ÍõÈøÇð ÅöäøóÇ áóäóÑóÇåóÇ Ýöí ÖóáÇóáò ãøõÈöíäò
30 . And women in the city said : The ruler ' s wife is asking of her slave boy an ill deed . Indeed he has smitten her to the heart with love . We behold her in plain aberration .
ÝóáóãøóÇ ÓóãöÚóÊú ÈöãóßúÑöåöäøó ÃóÑúÓóáóÊú Åöáóíúåöäøó æóÃóÚúÊóÏóÊú áóåõäøó ãõÊøóßóÃð æóÂÊóÊú ßõáøó æóÇÍöÏóÉò ãøöäúåõäøó ÓößøöíäÇð æóÞóÇáóÊö ÇÎúÑõÌú Úóáóíúåöäøó ÝóáóãøóÇ ÑóÃóíúäóåõ ÃóßúÈóÑúäóåõ æóÞóØøóÚúäó ÃóíúÏöíóåõäøó æóÞõáúäó ÍóÇÔó áöáøåö ãóÇ åóÜÐóÇ ÈóÔóÑÇð Åöäú åóÜÐóÇ ÅöáÇøó ãóáóßñ ßóÑöíãñ
31 . And when she heard of their sly talk , she sent to them and prepared fur them a cushioned couch ( to lie on at the feast ) and gave to every one of them a knife and said ( to Joseph ) : Come out unto them! And when they saw him they exalted him and cut their bands , exclaiming : Allah Blameless! This is not a human being . This is no other than some gracious angel .
ÞóÇáóÊú ÝóÐóáößõäøó ÇáøóÐöí áõãúÊõäøóäöí Ýöíåö æóáóÞóÏú ÑóÇæóÏÊøõåõ Úóä äøóÝúÓöåö ÝóÇÓóÊóÚúÕóãó æóáóÆöä áøóãú íóÝúÚóáú ãóÇ ÂãõÑõåõ áóíõÓúÌóäóäøó æóáóíóßõæäÇð ãøöäó ÇáÕøóÇÛöÑöíäó
32 . She said : This is he on whose account ye blamed me . I asked of him an evil act , but he proved continent , but if he do not my behest he verily shall be imprisoned , and verily shall him of those brought low .
ÞóÇáó ÑóÈøö ÇáÓøöÌúäõ ÃóÍóÈøõ Åöáóíøó ãöãøóÇ íóÏúÚõæäóäöí Åöáóíúåö æóÅöáÇøó ÊóÕúÑöÝú Úóäøöí ßóíúÏóåõäøó ÃóÕúÈõ Åöáóíúåöäøó æóÃóßõä ãøöäó ÇáúÌóÇåöáöíäó
33 . He said : O my Lord! Prison is more dear than that unto which they urge me , and if Thou fend not off their wiles from me I shall incline unto them and become of the foolish .
ÝóÇÓúÊóÌóÇÈó áóåõ ÑóÈøõåõ ÝóÕóÑóÝó Úóäúåõ ßóíúÏóåõäøó Åöäøóåõ åõæó ÇáÓøóãöíÚõ ÇáúÚóáöíãõ
34 . So his Lord heard his prayer and fended off their wiles from him . Lo! He is Nearer , Knower .
Ëõãøó ÈóÏóÇ áóåõã ãøöä ÈóÚúÏö ãóÇ ÑóÃóæõÇú ÇáÂíóÇÊö áóíóÓúÌõäõäøóåõ ÍóÊøóì Íöíäò
35 . And it seemed good to them ( the men folk ) after they had seen the signs ( of his innocence ) to imprison him for a time .
æóÏóÎóáó ãóÚóåõ ÇáÓøöÌúäó ÝóÊóíóÇäó ÞóÇáó ÃóÍóÏõåõãóÇ Åöäøöí ÃóÑóÇäöí ÃóÚúÕöÑõ ÎóãúÑÇð æóÞóÇáó ÇáÂÎóÑõ Åöäøöí ÃóÑóÇäöí ÃóÍúãöáõ ÝóæúÞó ÑóÃúÓöí ÎõÈúÒÇð ÊóÃúßõáõ ÇáØøóíúÑõ ãöäúåõ äóÈøöÆúäóÇ ÈöÊóÃúæöíáöåö ÅöäøóÇ äóÑóÇßó ãöäó ÇáúãõÍúÓöäöíäó
36 . And two young men went to prison with him . One of them said : I dreamed that I was pressing wine . The other said I dreamed that I was carrying upon my head bread whereof the birds were eating . Announce unto us the interpretation , for we see thee of those good ( at interpretation ) .
ÞóÇáó áÇó íóÃúÊöíßõãóÇ ØóÚóÇãñ ÊõÑúÒóÞóÇäöåö ÅöáÇøó äóÈøóÃúÊõßõãóÇ ÈöÊóÃúæöíáöåö ÞóÈúáó Ãóä íóÃúÊöíßõãóÇ ÐóáößõãóÇ ãöãøóÇ Úóáøóãóäöí ÑóÈøöí Åöäøöí ÊóÑóßúÊõ ãöáøóÉó Þóæúãò áÇøó íõÄúãöäõæäó ÈöÇááøåö æóåõã ÈöÇáÂÎöÑóÉö åõãú ßóÇÝöÑõæäó
37 . He said : The food which ye are given ( daily ) shall not come unto you but I shall tell you the interpretation ere it cometh unto you . This is of that which my Lord hath taught me . Lo! I have forsaken the religion of folk who believe not in Allah and are disbelievers in the Hereafter .
æóÇÊøóÈóÚúÊõ ãöáøóÉó ÂÈóÂÆöÜí ÅöÈúÑóÇåöíãó æóÅöÓúÍóÇÞó æóíóÚúÞõæÈó ãóÇ ßóÇäó áóäóÇ Ãóä äøõÔúÑößó ÈöÇááøåö ãöä ÔóíúÁò Ðóáößó ãöä ÝóÖúáö Çááøåö ÚóáóíúäóÇ æóÚóáóì ÇáäøóÇÓö æóáóÜßöäøó ÃóßúËóÑó ÇáäøóÇÓö áÇó íóÔúßõÑõæäó
38 . And I have followed the religion of my fathers , Abraham and Isaac and Jacob . It never was for us to attribute aught as partner to Allah . This is of the bounty of Allah unto us ( the seed of Abraham ) and unto mankind ; but most men give not thanks .
íóÇ ÕóÇÍöÈóíö ÇáÓøöÌúäö ÃóÃóÑúÈóÇÈñ ãøõÊóÝóÑøöÞõæäó ÎóíúÑñ Ãóãö Çááøåõ ÇáúæóÇÍöÏõ ÇáúÞóåøóÇÑõ
39 . O my two fellow prisoners! Are divers lords better , or Allah the One , the Almighty?
ãóÇ ÊóÚúÈõÏõæäó ãöä Ïõæäöåö ÅöáÇøó ÃóÓúãóÇÁ ÓóãøóíúÊõãõæåóÇ ÃóäÊõãú æóÂÈóÂÄõßõã ãøóÇ ÃóäÒóáó Çááøåõ ÈöåóÇ ãöä ÓõáúØóÇäò Åöäö ÇáúÍõßúãõ ÅöáÇøó áöáøåö ÃóãóÑó ÃóáÇøó ÊóÚúÈõÏõæÇú ÅöáÇøó ÅöíøóÇåõ Ðóáößó ÇáÏøöíäõ ÇáúÞóíøöãõ æóáóÜßöäøó ÃóßúËóÑó ÇáäøóÇÓö áÇó íóÚúáóãõæäó
40 . Those whom ye worship beside Him are but names which ye have named , ye and your fathers . Allah hath revealed no sanction for them . The decision rests with Allah only , Who hath commanded you that ye worship none save Him . This is the right religion , but most men know not .
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41 . O my two fellow prisoners! As for one of you , he will pour out wine for his lord to drink ; and as for the other , he will be crucified so that the birds will eat from his head . Thus is the case judged concerning which ye did inquire .
æóÞóÇáó áöáøóÐöí Ùóäøó Ãóäøóåõ äóÇÌò ãøöäúåõãóÇ ÇÐúßõÑúäöí ÚöäÏó ÑóÈøößó ÝóÃóäÓóÇåõ ÇáÔøóíúØóÇäõ ÐößúÑó ÑóÈøöåö ÝóáóÈöËó Ýöí ÇáÓøöÌúäö ÈöÖúÚó Óöäöíäó
42 . And he said unto him of the twain who he knew would be released : Mention me in the presence of thy lord . But Satan caused him to forget to mention it to his lord , so he ( Joseph ) stayed in prison for some years .
æóÞóÇáó Çáúãóáößõ Åöäøöí ÃóÑóì ÓóÈúÚó ÈóÞóÑóÇÊò ÓöãóÇäò íóÃúßõáõåõäøó ÓóÈúÚñ ÚöÌóÇÝñ æóÓóÈúÚó ÓõäÈõáÇóÊò ÎõÖúÑò æóÃõÎóÑó íóÇÈöÓóÇÊò íóÇ ÃóíøõåóÇ ÇáúãóáÃõ ÃóÝúÊõæäöí Ýöí ÑõÄúíóÇíó Åöä ßõäÊõãú áöáÑøõÄúíóÇ ÊóÚúÈõÑõæäó
43 . And the king said : Lo! I saw in a dream seven fat kine which seven lean were eating , and seven green ears of corn and other ( seven ) dry . O notables! Expound for me my vision , if ye can interpret dreams .
ÞóÇáõæÇú ÃóÖúÛóÇËõ ÃóÍúáÇóãò æóãóÇ äóÍúäõ ÈöÊóÃúæöíáö ÇáÃóÍúáÇóãö ÈöÚóÇáöãöíäó
44 . They answered : Jumbled dreams! And we are not knowing in the interpretation of dreams .
æóÞóÇáó ÇáøóÐöí äóÌóÇ ãöäúåõãóÇ æóÇÏøóßóÑó ÈóÚúÏó ÃõãøóÉò ÃóäóÇú ÃõäóÈøöÆõßõã ÈöÊóÃúæöíáöåö ÝóÃóÑúÓöáõæäö
45 . And he of the two who was released , and ( now ) at length remembered , said : I am going to announce unto you the interpretation , therefore send me forth .
íõæÓõÝõ ÃóíøõåóÇ ÇáÕøöÏøöíÞõ ÃóÝúÊöäóÇ Ýöí ÓóÈúÚö ÈóÞóÑóÇÊò ÓöãóÇäò íóÃúßõáõåõäøó ÓóÈúÚñ ÚöÌóÇÝñ æóÓóÈúÚö ÓõäÈõáÇóÊò ÎõÖúÑò æóÃõÎóÑó íóÇÈöÓóÇÊò áøóÚóáøöí ÃóÑúÌöÚõ Åöáóì ÇáäøóÇÓö áóÚóáøóåõãú íóÚúáóãõæäó
46 . ( And when he came to Joseph in the prison , he exclaimed ) : Joseph! O thou truthful one! Expound for us the seven fat kine which seven lean were eating and the seven green ears of corn and other ( seven ) dry , that I may return unto the people , so that they may know .
ÞóÇáó ÊóÒúÑóÚõæäó ÓóÈúÚó Óöäöíäó ÏóÃóÈÇð ÝóãóÇ ÍóÕóÏÊøõãú ÝóÐóÑõæåõ Ýöí ÓõäÈõáöåö ÅöáÇøó ÞóáöíáÇð ãøöãøóÇ ÊóÃúßõáõæäó
47 . He said : Ye shall sow seven years as usual , but that which ye reap , leave it in the ear , all save a little which ye eat .
Ëõãøó íóÃúÊöí ãöä ÈóÚúÏö Ðóáößó ÓóÈúÚñ ÔöÏóÇÏñ íóÃúßõáúäó ãóÇ ÞóÏøóãúÊõãú áóåõäøó ÅöáÇøó ÞóáöíáÇð ãøöãøóÇ ÊõÍúÕöäõæäó
48 . Then after that will come seven hard years which will devour all that ye have prepared for them , save a little of that which ye have stored .
Ëõãøó íóÃúÊöí ãöä ÈóÚúÏö Ðóáößó ÚóÇãñ Ýöíåö íõÛóÇËõ ÇáäøóÇÓõ æóÝöíåö íóÚúÕöÑõæäó
49 . Then , after that , will come a year when the people will have plenteous crops and when they will press ( wine and oil ) .
æóÞóÇáó Çáúãóáößõ ÇÆúÊõæäöí Èöåö ÝóáóãøóÇ ÌóÇÁåõ ÇáÑøóÓõæáõ ÞóÇáó ÇÑúÌöÚú Åöáóì ÑóÈøößó ÝóÇÓúÃóáúåõ ãóÇ ÈóÇáõ ÇáäøöÓúæóÉö ÇááÇøóÊöí ÞóØøóÚúäó ÃóíúÏöíóåõäøó Åöäøó ÑóÈøöí ÈößóíúÏöåöäøó Úóáöíãñ
50 . And the King said : Bring him unto me . And when the messenger came unto him , he ( Joseph ) said : Return unto thy lord and ask him what was the case of the women who cut their . hands . Lo! my lord knoweth thee guile .
ÞóÇáó ãóÇ ÎóØúÈõßõäøó ÅöÐú ÑóÇæóÏÊøõäøó íõæÓõÝó Úóä äøóÝúÓöåö Þõáúäó ÍóÇÔó áöáøåö ãóÇ ÚóáöãúäóÇ Úóáóíúåö ãöä ÓõæÁò ÞóÇáóÊö ÇãúÑóÃóÉõ ÇáúÚóÒöíÒö ÇáÂäó ÍóÕúÍóÕó ÇáúÍóÞøõ ÃóäóÇú ÑóÇæóÏÊøõåõ Úóä äøóÝúÓöåö æóÅöäøóåõ áóãöäó ÇáÕøóÇÏöÞöíäó
51 . He ( the king ) ( then sent for those women and ) said : What happened when ye asked an evil act of Joseph? They answered : Allah Blameless! We know no evil of him . Said the wife of the ruler : Now the truth is out . I asked of him an evil act , and he is surely of the truthful .
Ðóáößó áöíóÚúáóãó Ãóäøöí áóãú ÃóÎõäúåõ ÈöÇáúÛóíúÈö æóÃóäøó Çááøåó áÇó íóåúÏöí ßóíúÏó ÇáúÎóÇÆöäöíäó
52 . ( Then Joseph said : I asked for ) this , that he ( my lord ) may now that I betrayed him not in secret , and that surely Allah guideth not the snare of the betrayers .
æóãóÇ ÃõÈóÑøöÆõ äóÝúÓöí Åöäøó ÇáäøóÝúÓó áÃóãøóÇÑóÉñ ÈöÇáÓøõæÁö ÅöáÇøó ãóÇ ÑóÍöãó ÑóÈøöíó Åöäøó ÑóÈøöí ÛóÝõæÑñ ÑøóÍöíãñ
53 . I do not exculpate myself . Lo! the ( human ) soul enjoineth unto evil , save that whereon my Lord hath mercy . my Lord is Forgiving , Merciful .
æóÞóÇáó Çáúãóáößõ ÇÆúÊõæäöí Èöåö ÃóÓúÊóÎúáöÕúåõ áöäóÝúÓöí ÝóáóãøóÇ ßóáøóãóåõ ÞóÇáó Åöäøóßó Çáúíóæúãó áóÏóíúäóÇ ãößöíäñ Ãóãöíäñ
54 . And the king said : Bring him unto me that I may attach him to my person . And when he had talked with him he said : Lo! thou art today our presence established and trusts
ÞóÇáó ÇÌúÚóáúäöí Úóáóì ÎóÒóÂÆöäö ÇáÃóÑúÖö Åöäøöí ÍóÝöíÙñ Úóáöíãñ
55 . He said : Set me over the storehouses of the land I am a skilled custodian .
æóßóÐóáößó ãóßøóäøöÇ áöíõæÓõÝó Ýöí ÇáÃóÑúÖö íóÊóÈóæøóÃõ ãöäúåóÇ ÍóíúËõ íóÔóÇÁõ äõÕöíÈõ ÈöÑóÍúãóÊöäóÇ ãóä äøóÔóÇÁ æóáÇó äõÖöíÚõ ÃóÌúÑó ÇáúãõÍúÓöäöíäó
56 . Thus gave We power to Joseph in the land . He was the owner of it where be pleased . We reach with our mercy whom We will . We lose not the reward of the good .
æóáóÃóÌúÑõ ÇáÂÎöÑóÉö ÎóíúÑñ áøöáøóÐöíäó ÂãóäõæÇú æóßóÇäõæÇú íóÊøóÞõæäó
57 . And the reward of the Hereafter is better , for those who believe and ward of ( evil ) .
æóÌóÇÁ ÅöÎúæóÉõ íõæÓõÝó ÝóÏóÎóáõæÇú Úóáóíúåö ÝóÚóÑóÝóåõãú æóåõãú áóåõ ãõäßöÑõæäó
58 . And Joseph ' s brethren came and presented themselves before him , and he knew them but they knew him not .
æóáóãøóÇ ÌóåøóÒóåõã ÈöÌóåóÇÒöåöãú ÞóÇáó ÇÆúÊõæäöí ÈöÃóÎò áøóßõã ãøöäú ÃóÈöíßõãú ÃóáÇó ÊóÑóæúäó Ãóäøöí ÃõæÝöí Çáúßóíúáó æóÃóäóÇú ÎóíúÑõ ÇáúãõäÒöáöíäó
59 . And when he provided them with their provision he said : Bring unto me a brother of yours from your father . See ye not that I fill up the measure and I am the best of hosts?
ÝóÅöä áøóãú ÊóÃúÊõæäöí Èöåö ÝóáÇó ßóíúáó áóßõãú ÚöäÏöí æóáÇó ÊóÞúÑóÈõæäö
60 . And if ye bring him not unto me , then there shall be no measure for you with me , nor shall ye draw near .
ÞóÇáõæÇú ÓóäõÑóÇæöÏõ Úóäúåõ ÃóÈóÇåõ æóÅöäøóÇ áóÝóÇÚöáõæäó
61 . They said : We will try to win him from his father : that we will surely do .
æóÞóÇáó áöÝöÊúíóÇäöåö ÇÌúÚóáõæÇú ÈöÖóÇÚóÊóåõãú Ýöí ÑöÍóÇáöåöãú áóÚóáøóåõãú íóÚúÑöÝõæäóåóÇ ÅöÐóÇ ÇäÞóáóÈõæÇú Åöáóì Ãóåúáöåöãú áóÚóáøóåõãú íóÑúÌöÚõæäó
62 . He said unto his young men : Place their merchandise in their saddlebags , so that they may know it when they go back to their folk , and so will come again .
ÝóáóãøóÇ ÑóÌöÚõæÇ Åöáóì ÃóÈöíåöãú ÞóÇáõæÇú íóÇ ÃóÈóÇäóÇ ãõäöÚó ãöäøóÇ Çáúßóíúáõ ÝóÃóÑúÓöáú ãóÚóäóÇ ÃóÎóÇäóÇ äóßúÊóáú æóÅöäøóÇ áóåõ áóÍóÇÝöÙõæäó
63 . So when they went back to their father they said : O our father! The measure is denied us , so send with us our brother that we may obtain the measure , surely we will guard him well .
ÞóÇáó åóáú Âãóäõßõãú Úóáóíúåö ÅöáÇøó ßóãóÇ ÃóãöäÊõßõãú Úóáóì ÃóÎöíåö ãöä ÞóÈúáõ ÝóÇááøåõ ÎóíúÑñ ÍóÇÝöÙÇð æóåõæó ÃóÑúÍóãõ ÇáÑøóÇÍöãöíäó
64 . He said : Can I entrust him to you save as I entrusted his brother to you aforetime? Allah is better at guarding , and He is the Most Merciful of those who show mercy .
æóáóãøóÇ ÝóÊóÍõæÇú ãóÊóÇÚóåõãú æóÌóÏõæÇú ÈöÖóÇÚóÊóåõãú ÑõÏøóÊú Åöáóíúåöãú ÞóÇáõæÇú íóÇ ÃóÈóÇäóÇ ãóÇ äóÈúÛöí åóÜÐöåö ÈöÖóÇÚóÊõäóÇ ÑõÏøóÊú ÅöáóíúäóÇ æóäóãöíÑõ ÃóåúáóäóÇ æóäóÍúÝóÙõ ÃóÎóÇäóÇ æóäóÒúÏóÇÏõ ßóíúáó ÈóÚöíÑò Ðóáößó ßóíúáñ íóÓöíÑñ
65 . And when they opened their belongings they discovered that their merchandise had been returned to them . They said : O our father! What ( more ) can we ask? Here is our merchandise returned to us . We shall get provision for our folk and guard our brother , and we shall have the extra measure of a camel ( load ) . This ( that we bring now ) is a light measure .
ÞóÇáó áóäú ÃõÑúÓöáóåõ ãóÚóßõãú ÍóÊøóì ÊõÄúÊõæäö ãóæúËöÞÇð ãøöäó Çááøåö áóÊóÃúÊõäøóäöí Èöåö ÅöáÇøó Ãóä íõÍóÇØó Èößõãú ÝóáóãøóÇ ÂÊóæúåõ ãóæúËöÞóåõãú ÞóÇáó Çááøåõ Úóáóì ãóÇ äóÞõæáõ æóßöíáñ
66 . He said : I will not send him with you till ye give me an undertaking in the name of Allah that ye will bring him hack to me , unless ye are surrounded . And when they gave him their undertaking he said : Allah is the Warden over what we say .
æóÞóÇáó íóÇ Èóäöíøó áÇó ÊóÏúÎõáõæÇú ãöä ÈóÇÈò æóÇÍöÏò æóÇÏúÎõáõæÇú ãöäú ÃóÈúæóÇÈò ãøõÊóÝóÑøöÞóÉò æóãóÇ ÃõÛúäöí Úóäßõã ãøöäó Çááøåö ãöä ÔóíúÁò Åöäö ÇáúÍõßúãõ ÅöáÇøó áöáøåö Úóáóíúåö ÊóæóßøóáúÊõ æóÚóáóíúåö ÝóáúíóÊóæóßøóáö ÇáúãõÊóæóßøöáõæäó
67 . And he said : O my sons! Go not in by one gate ; go in by different gates . I can naught avail you as against Allah . Lo! the decision rests with Allah only . In Him do I put my trust , and in Him let all the trusting put their trust .
æóáóãøóÇ ÏóÎóáõæÇú ãöäú ÍóíúËõ ÃóãóÑóåõãú ÃóÈõæåõã ãøóÇ ßóÇäó íõÛúäöí Úóäúåõã ãøöäó Çááøåö ãöä ÔóíúÁò ÅöáÇøó ÍóÇÌóÉð Ýöí äóÝúÓö íóÚúÞõæÈó ÞóÖóÇåóÇ æóÅöäøóåõ áóÐõæ Úöáúãò áøöãóÇ ÚóáøóãúäóÇåõ æóáóÜßöäøó ÃóßúËóÑó ÇáäøóÇÓö áÇó íóÚúáóãõæäó
68 . And when they entered in the manner which their father had enjoined , it would have naught availed them as against Allah ; it was but a need of Jacob ' s soul which he thus satisfied ; and lo! he was a lord of knowledge because We had taught him ; but most of mankind know not .
æóáóãøóÇ ÏóÎóáõæÇú Úóáóì íõæÓõÝó Âæóì Åöáóíúåö ÃóÎóÇåõ ÞóÇáó Åöäøöí ÃóäóÇú ÃóÎõæßó ÝóáÇó ÊóÈúÊóÆöÓú ÈöãóÇ ßóÇäõæÇú íóÚúãóáõæäó
69 . And when they went in before Joseph , he took his brother unto himself , saying : Lo ; I , even I , am thy brother , therefore sorrow not for what they did .
ÝóáóãøóÇ ÌóåøóÒóåõã ÈöÌóåóÇÒöåöãú ÌóÚóáó ÇáÓøöÞóÇíóÉó Ýöí ÑóÍúáö ÃóÎöíåö Ëõãøó ÃóÐøóäó ãõÄóÐøöäñ ÃóíøóÊõåóÇ ÇáúÚöíÑõ Åöäøóßõãú áóÓóÇÑöÞõæäó
70 . And when he provided them with their provision , he put the drinking cup in his brother ' s saddlebag , and then a crier cried : O camel riders! Ye are surely thieves!
ÞóÇáõæÇú æóÃóÞúÈóáõæÇú Úóáóíúåöã ãøóÇÐóÇ ÊóÝúÞöÏõæäó
71 . They cried , coming toward them : What is it ye have lost?
ÞóÇáõæÇú äóÝúÞöÏõ ÕõæóÇÚó Çáúãóáößö æóáöãóä ÌóÇÁ Èöåö Íöãúáõ ÈóÚöíÑò æóÃóäóÇú Èöåö ÒóÚöíãñ
72 . They said : We have lost the king ' s cup , and he who bringeth it shall have a camel load , and I ( said Joseph ) am answerable for it .
ÞóÇáõæÇú ÊóÇááøåö áóÞóÏú ÚóáöãúÊõã ãøóÇ ÌöÆúäóÇ áöäõÝúÓöÏó Ýöí ÇáÃóÑúÖö æóãóÇ ßõäøóÇ ÓóÇÑöÞöíäó
73 . They said : By Allah , well ye know we came not to do evil in the land , and are no thieves .
ÞóÇáõæÇú ÝóãóÇ ÌóÒóÂÄõåõ Åöä ßõäÊõãú ßóÇÐöÈöíäó
74 . They said : And what shall be the penalty for it if ye prove liars?
ÞóÇáõæÇú ÌóÒóÂÄõåõ ãóä æõÌöÏó Ýöí ÑóÍúáöåö Ýóåõæó ÌóÒóÇÄõåõ ßóÐóáößó äóÌúÒöí ÇáÙøóÇáöãöíäó
75 . They said : The penalty for it! He in whose bag ( the cup ) is found , he is the penalty for it . Thus we requite wrongdoers .
ÝóÈóÏóÃó ÈöÃóæúÚöíóÊöåöãú ÞóÈúáó æöÚóÇÁ ÃóÎöíåö Ëõãøó ÇÓúÊóÎúÑóÌóåóÇ ãöä æöÚóÇÁ ÃóÎöíåö ßóÐóáößó ßöÏúäóÇ áöíõæÓõÝó ãóÇ ßóÇäó áöíóÃúÎõÐó ÃóÎóÇåõ Ýöí Ïöíäö Çáúãóáößö ÅöáÇøó Ãóä íóÔóÇÁó Çááøåõ äóÑúÝóÚõ ÏóÑóÌóÇÊò ãøöä äøóÔóÇÁ æóÝóæúÞó ßõáøö Ðöí Úöáúãò Úóáöíãñ
76 . Then he ( Joseph ) began the search with their bags before his brother ' s bag , then he produced it from his brother ' s bag . Thus did We contrive for Joseph . He could not have taken his brother according to the king ' s law unless Allah willed . We raise by grades ( of mercy ) whom We will , and over every lord of knowledge there is one more knowing .
ÞóÇáõæÇú Åöä íóÓúÑöÞú ÝóÞóÏú ÓóÑóÞó ÃóÎñ áøóåõ ãöä ÞóÈúáõ ÝóÃóÓóÑøóåóÇ íõæÓõÝõ Ýöí äóÝúÓöåö æóáóãú íõÈúÏöåóÇ áóåõãú ÞóÇáó ÃóäÊõãú ÔóÑøñ ãøóßóÇäÇð æóÇááøåõ ÃóÚúáóãú ÈöãóÇ ÊóÕöÝõæäó
77 . They said : If he stealeth , a brother of his stole before . But Joseph kept it secret in his soul and revealed it not unto them . He said ( within himself ) : Ye are in worse case and Allah knoweth best ( the truth of ) that which ye allege .
ÞóÇáõæÇú íóÇ ÃóíøõåóÇ ÇáúÚóÒöíÒõ Åöäøó áóåõ ÃóÈÇð ÔóíúÎÇð ßóÈöíÑÇð ÝóÎõÐú ÃóÍóÏóäóÇ ãóßóÇäóåõ ÅöäøóÇ äóÑóÇßó ãöäó ÇáúãõÍúÓöäöíäó
78 . They said : O ruler of the land! Lo! he hath an aged father , so take one of us instead of him . Lo ! we behold thee of those who do kindness .
ÞóÇáó ãóÚóÇÐó Çááøåö Ãóä äøóÃúÎõÐó ÅöáÇøó ãóä æóÌóÏúäóÇ ãóÊóÇÚóäóÇ ÚöäÏóåõ ÅöäøóÜÇ ÅöÐÇð áøóÙóÇáöãõæäó
79 . He said : Allah forbid that we should seize save him with whom we found our property ; then truly we should be wrongdoers .
ÝóáóãøóÇ ÇÓúÊóíúÃóÓõæÇú ãöäúåõ ÎóáóÕõæÇú äóÌöíøÇð ÞóÇáó ßóÈöíÑõåõãú Ãóáóãú ÊóÚúáóãõæÇú Ãóäøó ÃóÈóÇßõãú ÞóÏú ÃóÎóÐó Úóáóíúßõã ãøóæúËöÞÇð ãøöäó Çááøåö æóãöä ÞóÈúáõ ãóÇ ÝóÑøóØÊõãú Ýöí íõæÓõÝó Ýóáóäú ÃóÈúÑóÍó ÇáÃóÑúÖó ÍóÊøóìó íóÃúÐóäó áöí ÃóÈöí Ãóæú íóÍúßõãó Çááøåõ áöí æóåõæó ÎóíúÑõ ÇáúÍóÇßöãöíäó
80 . So , when they despaired of ( moving ) him , they conferred together apart . The eldest of them said : Know ye not how your father took an undertaking from you in Allah ' s name and how ye failed in the case of Joseph aforetime? Therefore I shall not go forth from the land until my father giveth leave or Allah judgeth for me . He is the Best of Judges .
ÇÑúÌöÚõæÇú Åöáóì ÃóÈöíßõãú ÝóÞõæáõæÇú íóÇ ÃóÈóÇäóÇ Åöäøó ÇÈúäóßó ÓóÑóÞó æóãóÇ ÔóåöÏúäóÇ ÅöáÇøó ÈöãóÇ ÚóáöãúäóÇ æóãóÇ ßõäøóÇ áöáúÛóíúÈö ÍóÇÝöÙöíäó
81 . Return unto your father and say : O our father! Lo! thy son hath stolen . We testify only to that which we know ; we are not guardians of the unseen .
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82 . Ask the township where we were , and the caravan with which we travelled hither . Lo! we speak the truth .
ÞóÇáó Èóáú ÓóæøóáóÊú áóßõãú ÃóäÝõÓõßõãú ÃóãúÑÇð ÝóÕóÈúÑñ Ìóãöíáñ ÚóÓóì Çááøåõ Ãóä íóÃúÊöíóäöí Èöåöãú ÌóãöíÚÇð Åöäøóåõ åõæó ÇáúÚóáöíãõ ÇáúÍóßöíãõ
83 . ( And when they came unto their father and had spoken thus to him ) he said : Nay , but your minds have beguiled you into something . ( My course is ) comely patience! It may be that Allah will bring them all unto me . Lo! He , only He , is the Knower , the Wise .
æóÊóæóáøóì Úóäúåõãú æóÞóÇáó íóÇ ÃóÓóÝóì Úóáóì íõæÓõÝó æóÇÈúíóÖøóÊú ÚóíúäóÇåõ ãöäó ÇáúÍõÒúäö Ýóåõæó ßóÙöíãñ
84 . And he turned away from them and said : Alas , my grief for Joseph! And his eyes were whitened with the sorrow that he was suppressing .
ÞóÇáõæÇú ÊóÇááå ÊóÝúÊóÃõ ÊóÐúßõÑõ íõæÓõÝó ÍóÊøóì Êóßõæäó ÍóÑóÖÇð Ãóæú Êóßõæäó ãöäó ÇáúåóÇáößöíäó
85 . They said : By Allah , thou wilt never cease remembering Joseph till thy health is ruined or thou art of those who perish!
ÞóÇáó ÅöäøóãóÇ ÃóÔúßõæ ÈóËøöí æóÍõÒúäöí Åöáóì Çááøåö æóÃóÚúáóãõ ãöäó Çááøåö ãóÇ áÇó ÊóÚúáóãõæäó
86 . He said : I expose my distress and anguish only unto Allah , and I know from Allah that which ye know not .
íóÇ Èóäöíøó ÇÐúåóÈõæÇú ÝóÊóÍóÓøóÓõæÇú ãöä íõæÓõÝó æóÃóÎöíåö æóáÇó ÊóíúÃóÓõæÇú ãöä ÑøóæúÍö Çááøåö Åöäøóåõ áÇó íóíúÃóÓõ ãöä ÑøóæúÍö Çááøåö ÅöáÇøó ÇáúÞóæúãõ ÇáúßóÇÝöÑõæäó
87 . Go , O my sons , and ascertain concerning Joseph and his brother , and despair not of the Spirit of Allah . Lo! none despaireth of the Spirit of Allah save disbelieving folk
ÝóáóãøóÇ ÏóÎóáõæÇú Úóáóíúåö ÞóÇáõæÇú íóÇ ÃóíøõåóÇ ÇáúÚóÒöíÒõ ãóÓøóäóÇ æóÃóåúáóäóÇ ÇáÖøõÑøõ æóÌöÆúäóÇ ÈöÈöÖóÇÚóÉò ãøõÒúÌóÇÉò ÝóÃóæúÝö áóäóÇ Çáúßóíúáó æóÊóÕóÏøóÞú ÚóáóíúäóÇ Åöäøó Çááøåó íóÌúÒöí ÇáúãõÊóÕóÏøöÞöíäó
88 . And when they came ( again ) before him ( Joseph ) they said : O ruler! Misfortune hath touched us and our folk , and we bring but poor merchandise , so fill for us the measure and be charitable unto us . Lo! Allah will requite the charitable .
ÞóÇáó åóáú ÚóáöãúÊõã ãøóÇ ÝóÚóáúÊõã ÈöíõæÓõÝó æóÃóÎöíåö ÅöÐú ÃóäÊõãú ÌóÇåöáõæäó
89 . He said : Know ye what ye did unto Joseph and his brother in your ignorance?
ÞóÇáõæÇú ÃóÅöäøóßó áóÃóäÊó íõæÓõÝõ ÞóÇáó ÃóäóÇú íõæÓõÝõ æóåóÜÐóÇ ÃóÎöí ÞóÏú ãóäøó Çááøåõ ÚóáóíúäóÇ Åöäøóåõ ãóä íóÊøóÞö æóíöÕúÈöÑú ÝóÅöäøó Çááøåó áÇó íõÖöíÚõ ÃóÌúÑó ÇáúãõÍúÓöäöíäó
90 . They said : Is it indeed thou who art Joseph? He said : I am Joseph and this is my brother . Allah hath shown us favor . Lo! he who wardeth off ( evil ) and endureth ( findeth favor ) ; for verily Allah loseth not the wages of the kindly .
ÞóÇáõæÇú ÊóÇááøåö áóÞóÏú ÂËóÑóßó Çááøåõ ÚóáóíúäóÇ æóÅöä ßõäøóÇ áóÎóÇØöÆöíäó
91 . They said : By Allah , verily Allah hath preferred thee above us , and we were indeed sinful .
ÞóÇáó áÇó ÊóËúÑóíÈó Úóáóíúßõãõ Çáúíóæúãó íóÛúÝöÑõ Çááøåõ áóßõãú æóåõæó ÃóÑúÍóãõ ÇáÑøóÇÍöãöíäó
92 . He said : Have no fear this day! May Allah forgive you , and He is the Most Merciful of those who show mercy .
ÇÐúåóÈõæÇú ÈöÞóãöíÕöí åóÜÐóÇ ÝóÃóáúÞõæåõ Úóáóì æóÌúåö ÃóÈöí íóÃúÊö ÈóÕöíÑÇð æóÃúÊõæäöí ÈöÃóåúáößõãú ÃóÌúãóÚöíäó
93 . Go with this shirt of mine and lay it on my father ' s face , he will become ( again ) a seer ; and come to me with all your folk .
æóáóãøóÇ ÝóÕóáóÊö ÇáúÚöíÑõ ÞóÇáó ÃóÈõæåõãú Åöäøöí áóÃóÌöÏõ ÑöíÍó íõæÓõÝó áóæúáÇó Ãóä ÊõÝóäøöÏõæäö
94 . When the caravan departed their father had said : Truly I am conscious of the breath of Joseph , though ye call me dotard .
ÞóÇáõæÇú ÊóÇááøåö Åöäøóßó áóÝöí ÖóáÇóáößó ÇáúÞóÏöíãö
95 . ( Those around him ) said : By Allah , Lo! thou art in thine old aberration .
ÝóáóãøóÇ Ãóä ÌóÇÁ ÇáúÈóÔöíÑõ ÃóáúÞóÇåõ Úóáóì æóÌúåöåö ÝóÇÑúÊóÏøó ÈóÕöíÑÇð ÞóÇáó Ãóáóãú ÃóÞõá áøóßõãú Åöäøöí ÃóÚúáóãõ ãöäó Çááøåö ãóÇ áÇó ÊóÚúáóãõæäó
96 . Then , when the bearer of glad tidings came , he laid it on his face and he became a seer once more . He said : Said I not unto you that I know from Allah that which ye know not?
ÞóÇáõæÇú íóÇ ÃóÈóÇäóÇ ÇÓúÊóÛúÝöÑú áóäóÇ ÐõäõæÈóäóÇ ÅöäøóÇ ßõäøóÇ ÎóÇØöÆöíäó
97 . They said : O our father! Ask forgiveness of our sins for us , for lo! we were sinful .
ÞóÇáó ÓóæúÝó ÃóÓúÊóÛúÝöÑõ áóßõãú ÑóÈøöíó Åöäøóåõ åõæó ÇáúÛóÝõæÑõ ÇáÑøóÍöíãõ
98 . He said : I shall ask forgiveness for you of my Lord . He is the Forgiving , the Merciful .
ÝóáóãøóÇ ÏóÎóáõæÇú Úóáóì íõæÓõÝó Âæóì Åöáóíúåö ÃóÈóæóíúåö æóÞóÇáó ÇÏúÎõáõæÇú ãöÕúÑó Åöä ÔóÇÁ Çááøåõ Âãöäöíäó
99 . And when they came in before Joseph , he took his parents unto him , and said : Come into Egypt sale , if Allah will!
æóÑóÝóÚó ÃóÈóæóíúåö Úóáóì ÇáúÚóÑúÔö æóÎóÑøõæÇú áóåõ ÓõÌøóÏÇð æóÞóÇáó íóÇ ÃóÈóÊö åóÜÐóÇ ÊóÃúæöíáõ ÑõÄúíóÇíó ãöä ÞóÈúáõ ÞóÏú ÌóÚóáóåóÇ ÑóÈøöí ÍóÞøÇð æóÞóÏú ÃóÍúÓóäó Èóí ÅöÐú ÃóÎúÑóÌóäöí ãöäó ÇáÓøöÌúäö æóÌóÇÁ Èößõã ãøöäó ÇáúÈóÏúæö ãöä ÈóÚúÏö Ãóä äøóÒÛó ÇáÔøóíúØóÇäõ Èóíúäöí æóÈóíúäó ÅöÎúæóÊöí Åöäøó ÑóÈøöí áóØöíÝñ áøöãóÇ íóÔóÇÁõ Åöäøóåõ åõæó ÇáúÚóáöíãõ ÇáúÍóßöíãõ
100 . And he placed his parents on the dais and they fell down before him prostrate , and he said : O my father! This is the interpretation of my dream of old . My Lord hath made it true , and He hath shown me kindness , since He took me out of the prison and hath brought you from the desert after Satan had made strife between me and my brethren . Lo! my Lord is tender unto whom He will . He is the Knower , the Wise .
ÑóÈøö ÞóÏú ÂÊóíúÊóäöí ãöäó Çáúãõáúßö æóÚóáøóãúÊóäöí ãöä ÊóÃúæöíáö ÇáÃóÍóÇÏöíËö ÝóÇØöÑó ÇáÓøóãóÇæóÇÊö æóÇáÃóÑúÖö ÃóäÊó æóáöíøöí Ýöí ÇáÏøõäõíóÇ æóÇáÂÎöÑóÉö ÊóæóÝøóäöí ãõÓúáöãÇð æóÃóáúÍöÞúäöí ÈöÇáÕøóÇáöÍöíäó
101 . O my Lord! Thou hast given me ( something ) of sovereignty and hast taught me ( something ) of the interpretation of events , Creator of the heavens and the earth! Thou art my Protecting Friend in the world and the Hereafter . Make me to die submissive ( unto Thee ) , and join me to the righteous .
Ðóáößó ãöäú ÃóäÈóÇÁ ÇáúÛóíúÈö äõæÍöíåö Åöáóíúßó æóãóÇ ßõäÊó áóÏóíúåöãú ÅöÐú ÃóÌúãóÚõæÇú ÃóãúÑóåõãú æóåõãú íóãúßõÑõæäó
102 . This is of the tidings of the Unseen which We inspire in thee ( Muhammad ) . Thou waft not present with them when they bed their plan and they were scheming .
æóãóÇ ÃóßúËóÑõ ÇáäøóÇÓö æóáóæú ÍóÑóÕúÊó ÈöãõÄúãöäöíäó
103 . And though thou try much , most men will not believe .
æóãóÇ ÊóÓúÃóáõåõãú Úóáóíúåö ãöäú ÃóÌúÑò Åöäú åõæó ÅöáÇøó ÐößúÑñ áøöáúÚóÇáóãöíäó
104 . Thou askest them no fee for it . It is naught else than a reminder unto the peoples .
æóßóÃóíøöä ãøöä ÂíóÉò Ýöí ÇáÓøóãóÇæóÇÊö æóÇáÃóÑúÖö íóãõÑøõæäó ÚóáóíúåóÇ æóåõãú ÚóäúåóÇ ãõÚúÑöÖõæäó
105 . How many a portent is there in the heavens and the earth which they pass by with face averted!
æóãóÇ íõÄúãöäõ ÃóßúËóÑõåõãú ÈöÇááøåö ÅöáÇøó æóåõã ãøõÔúÑößõæäó
106 . And most of them believe not in Allah except that they attribute partners ( unto Him ) .
ÃóÝóÃóãöäõæÇú Ãóä ÊóÃúÊöíóåõãú ÛóÇÔöíóÉñ ãøöäú ÚóÐóÇÈö Çááøåö Ãóæú ÊóÃúÊöíóåõãõ ÇáÓøóÇÚóÉõ ÈóÛúÊóÉð æóåõãú áÇó íóÔúÚõÑõæäó
107 . Deem they themselves secure from the coming on them of a pall of Allah ' s punishment , or the coming of the Hour suddenly while they are unaware?
Þõáú åóÜÐöåö ÓóÈöíáöí ÃóÏúÚõæ Åöáóì Çááøåö Úóáóì ÈóÕöíÑóÉò ÃóäóÇú æóãóäö ÇÊøóÈóÚóäöí æóÓõÈúÍóÇäó Çááøåö æóãóÇ ÃóäóÇú ãöäó ÇáúãõÔúÑößöíäó
108 . Say : This is my Way : I call on Allah with sure knowledge , I and whosoever followeth me Glory be to Allah! and I am not of the idolaters .
æóãóÇ ÃóÑúÓóáúäóÇ ãöä ÞóÈúáößó ÅöáÇøó ÑöÌóÇáÇð äøõæÍöí Åöáóíúåöã ãøöäú Ãóåúáö ÇáúÞõÑóì ÃóÝóáóãú íóÓöíÑõæÇú Ýöí ÇáÃóÑúÖö ÝóíóäÙõÑõæÇú ßóíúÝó ßóÇäó ÚóÇÞöÈóÉõ ÇáøóÐöíäó ãöä ÞóÈúáöåöãú æóáóÏóÇÑõ ÇáÂÎöÑóÉö ÎóíúÑñ áøöáøóÐöíäó ÇÊøóÞóæÇú ÃóÝóáÇó ÊóÚúÞöáõæäó
109 . We sent not before thee ( any messengers ) save men whom We inspired from among the folk of the townships Have they not travelled in the land and seen the nature of the consequence for those who were before them? And verily the abode of the Hereafter , for those who ward off ( evil ) , is best . Have ye then no sense?
ÍóÊøóì ÅöÐóÇ ÇÓúÊóíúÃóÓó ÇáÑøõÓõáõ æóÙóäøõæÇú Ãóäøóåõãú ÞóÏú ßõÐöÈõæÇú ÌóÇÁåõãú äóÕúÑõäóÇ ÝóäõÌøöíó ãóä äøóÔóÇÁ æóáÇó íõÑóÏøõ ÈóÃúÓõäóÇ Úóäö ÇáúÞóæúãö ÇáúãõÌúÑöãöíäó
110 . Till , when the messengers despaired and thought that they were denied , then came unto them Our help , and whom We would was saved . And our wrath cannot be warded from the guilty .
áóÞóÏú ßóÇäó Ýöí ÞóÕóÕöåöãú ÚöÈúÑóÉñ áøöÃõæúáöí ÇáÃóáúÈóÇÈö ãóÇ ßóÇäó ÍóÏöíËÇð íõÝúÊóÑóì æóáóÜßöä ÊóÕúÏöíÞó ÇáøóÐöí Èóíúäó íóÏóíúåö æóÊóÝúÕöíáó ßõáøó ÔóíúÁò æóåõÏðì æóÑóÍúãóÉð áøöÞóæúãò íõÄúãöäõæäó
111 . In their history verily there is a lesson for men of understanding . It is no invented story but a confirmation of the existing ( Scripture ) and a detailed explanation of everything , and a guidance and a mercy for folk who believe .
