قرآن اور حدیث

The Holy Qur'an

Recite Online Urdu Translation Recite Sura

English Translation
Sura | Ayah | Word
Arabic Only
Sura | Ayah | Word
Urdu Translation
Sura | Ayah | Word
[Developed By: Nauman Rajput - dynasoft.web@gmail.com]
1 . Ta . Sin . Mim .
Êöáúßó ÂíóÇÊõ ÇáúßöÊóÇÈö ÇáúãõÈöíäö
2 . These are revelations of the Scripture that maketh plain .
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3 . We narrate unto thee ( somewhat ) of the story of Moses and Pharaoh with truth , for folk who believe .
Åöäøó ÝöÑúÚóæúäó ÚóáóÇ Ýöí ÇáúÃóÑúÖö æóÌóÚóáó ÃóåúáóåóÇ ÔöíóÚÇð íóÓúÊóÖúÚöÝõ ØóÇÆöÝóÉð ãøöäúåõãú íõÐóÈøöÍõ ÃóÈúäóÇÁåõãú æóíóÓúÊóÍúíöí äöÓóÇÁåõãú Åöäøóåõ ßóÇäó ãöäó ÇáúãõÝúÓöÏöíäó
4 . Lo! Pharaoh exalted himself in the earth and made its people castes . A tribe among them he suppressed , killing their sons and sparing their women . Lo! he was of those who work corruption .
æóäõÑöíÏõ Ãóä äøóãõäøó Úóáóì ÇáøóÐöíäó ÇÓúÊõÖúÚöÝõæÇ Ýöí ÇáúÃóÑúÖö æóäóÌúÚóáóåõãú ÃóÆöãøóÉð æóäóÌúÚóáóåõãõ ÇáúæóÇÑöËöíäó
5 . And We desired to show favor unto those who were oppressed in the earth , and to make them examples and to make them the inheritors ,
æóäõãóßøöäó áóåõãú Ýöí ÇáúÃóÑúÖö æóäõÑöí ÝöÑúÚóæúäó æóåóÇãóÇäó æóÌõäõæÏóåõãóÇ ãöäúåõã ãøóÇ ßóÇäõæÇ íóÍúÐóÑõæäó
6 . And to establish them in the earth , and to show Pharaoh and Haman and their hosts that which they feared from them .
æóÃóæúÍóíúäóÇ Åöáóì Ãõãøö ãõæÓóì Ãóäú ÃóÑúÖöÚöíåö ÝóÅöÐóÇ ÎöÝúÊö Úóáóíúåö ÝóÃóáúÞöíåö Ýöí Çáúíóãøö æóáóÇ ÊóÎóÇÝöí æóáóÇ ÊóÍúÒóäöí ÅöäøóÇ ÑóÇÏøõæåõ Åöáóíúßö æóÌóÇÚöáõæåõ ãöäó ÇáúãõÑúÓóáöíäó
7 . And We inspired the mother of Moses , saying : Suckle him and , when thou fearest for him , then cast him into the river and fear not nor grieve . Lo! We shall bring him back unto thee and shall make him ( one ) of Our messengers .
ÝóÇáúÊóÞóØóåõ Âáõ ÝöÑúÚóæúäó áöíóßõæäó áóåõãú ÚóÏõæøÇð æóÍóÒóäÇð Åöäøó ÝöÑúÚóæúäó æóåóÇãóÇäó æóÌõäõæÏóåõãóÇ ßóÇäõæÇ ÎóÇØöÆöíäó
8 . And the family of Pharaoh took him up , that he might become for them an enemy and a sorrow . Lo! Pharaoh and Haman and their hosts were ever sinning .
æóÞóÇáóÊö ÇãúÑóÃóÊõ ÝöÑúÚóæúäó ÞõÑøóÊõ Úóíúäò áøöí æóáóßó áóÇ ÊóÞúÊõáõæåõ ÚóÓóì Ãóä íóäÝóÚóäóÇ Ãóæú äóÊøóÎöÐóåõ æóáóÏÇð æóåõãú áóÇ íóÔúÚõÑõæäó
9 . And the wife of Pharaoh said : ( He will be ) a consolation for me and for thee . Kill him not . Peradventure he may be of use to us , or we may choose him for a son . And they perceived not .
æóÃóÕúÈóÍó ÝõÄóÇÏõ Ãõãøö ãõæÓóì ÝóÇÑöÛÇð Åöä ßóÇÏóÊú áóÊõÈúÏöí Èöåö áóæúáóÇ Ãóä ÑøóÈóØúäóÇ Úóáóì ÞóáúÈöåóÇ áöÊóßõæäó ãöäó ÇáúãõÄúãöäöíäó
10 . And the heart of the mother of Moses became void , and she would have betrayed him if We had not fortified her heart , that she might be of the believers .
æóÞóÇáóÊú áöÃõÎúÊöåö ÞõÕøöíåö ÝóÈóÕõÑóÊú Èöåö Úóä ÌõäõÈò æóåõãú áóÇ íóÔúÚõÑõæäó
11 . And she said unto his sister : Trace him . So she observed him from afar , and they perceived not .
æóÍóÑøóãúäóÇ Úóáóíúåö ÇáúãóÑóÇÖöÚó ãöä ÞóÈúáõ ÝóÞóÇáóÊú åóáú ÃóÏõáøõßõãú Úóáóì Ãóåúáö ÈóíúÊò íóßúÝõáõæäóåõ áóßõãú æóåõãú áóåõ äóÇÕöÍõæäó
12 . And We had before forbidden foster-mothers for him , so she said : Shall I show you a household who will rear him for you and take care of him?
ÝóÑóÏóÏúäóÇåõ Åöáóì Ãõãøöåö ßóíú ÊóÞóÑøó ÚóíúäõåóÇ æóáóÇ ÊóÍúÒóäó æóáöÊóÚúáóãó Ãóäøó æóÚúÏó Çááøóåö ÍóÞøñ æóáóßöäøó ÃóßúËóÑóåõãú áóÇ íóÚúáóãõæäó
13 . So We restored him to his mother that she might be comforted and not grieve , and that she might know that the promise of Allah is true . But most of them know not .
æóáóãøóÇ ÈóáóÛó ÃóÔõÏøóåõ æóÇÓúÊóæóì ÂÊóíúäóÇåõ ÍõßúãÇð æóÚöáúãÇð æóßóÐóáößó äóÌúÒöí ÇáúãõÍúÓöäöíäó
14 . And when he reached his full strength and was ripe , We gave him wisdom and knowledge . Thus do We reward the good .
æóÏóÎóáó ÇáúãóÏöíäóÉó Úóáóì Íöíäö ÛóÝúáóÉò ãøöäú ÃóåúáöåóÇ ÝóæóÌóÏó ÝöíåóÇ ÑóÌõáóíúäö íóÞúÊóÊöáóÇäö åóÐóÇ ãöä ÔöíÚóÊöåö æóåóÐóÇ ãöäú ÚóÏõæøöåö ÝóÇÓúÊóÛóÇËóåõ ÇáøóÐöí ãöä ÔöíÚóÊöåö Úóáóì ÇáøóÐöí ãöäú ÚóÏõæøöåö ÝóæóßóÒóåõ ãõæÓóì ÝóÞóÖóì Úóáóíúåö ÞóÇáó åóÐóÇ ãöäú Úóãóáö ÇáÔøóíúØóÇäö Åöäøóåõ ÚóÏõæøñ ãøõÖöáøñ ãøõÈöíäñ
15 . And he entered the city at a time of carelessness of its folk , and he found therein two men fighting , one of his own caste , and the other of his enemies ; and he who was of his caste asked him for help against him who was of his enemies . So Moses struck him with his fist and killed him . He said : This is of the devil ' s doing . Lo! he is an enemy , a mere misleader .
ÞóÇáó ÑóÈøö Åöäøöí ÙóáóãúÊõ äóÝúÓöí ÝóÇÛúÝöÑú áöí ÝóÛóÝóÑó áóåõ Åöäøóåõ åõæó ÇáúÛóÝõæÑõ ÇáÑøóÍöíãõ
16 . He said : My Lord! Lo! I have wronged my soul , so forgive me . Then He forgave him . Lo! He is the Forgiving , the Merciful .
ÞóÇáó ÑóÈøö ÈöãóÇ ÃóäúÚóãúÊó Úóáóíøó Ýóáóäú Ãóßõæäó ÙóåöíÑÇð áøöáúãõÌúÑöãöíäó
17 . He said : My Lord! Forasmuch as Thou hast favored me , I will nevermore be a supporter of the guilty .
ÝóÃóÕúÈóÍó Ýöí ÇáúãóÏöíäóÉö ÎóÇÆöÝÇð íóÊóÑóÞøóÈõ ÝóÅöÐóÇ ÇáøóÐöí ÇÓúÊóäÕóÑóåõ ÈöÇáúÃóãúÓö íóÓúÊóÕúÑöÎõåõ ÞóÇáó áóåõ ãõæÓóì Åöäøóßó áóÛóæöíøñ ãøõÈöíäñ
18 . And morning found him in the city , fearing , vigilant , when behold! he who had appealed to him the day before cried out to him for help . Moses said unto him : Lo! thou art indeed a mere hothead .
ÝóáóãøóÇ Ãóäú ÃóÑóÇÏó Ãóä íóÈúØöÔó ÈöÇáøóÐöí åõæó ÚóÏõæøñ áøóåõãóÇ ÞóÇáó íóÇ ãõæÓóì ÃóÊõÑöíÏõ Ãóä ÊóÞúÊõáóäöí ßóãóÇ ÞóÊóáúÊó äóÝúÓÇð ÈöÇáúÃóãúÓö Åöä ÊõÑöíÏõ ÅöáøóÇ Ãóä Êóßõæäó ÌóÈøóÇÑÇð Ýöí ÇáúÃóÑúÖö æóãóÇ ÊõÑöíÏõ Ãóä Êóßõæäó ãöäó ÇáúãõÕúáöÍöíäó
19 . And when he would have fallen upon the man who was an enemy unto them both , he said : O Moses! Wouldst thou kill me as thou didst kill a person yesterday . Thou wouldst be nothing but a tyrant in the land , thou wouldst not be of the reformers .
æóÌóÇÁ ÑóÌõáñ ãøöäú ÃóÞúÕóì ÇáúãóÏöíäóÉö íóÓúÚóì ÞóÇáó íóÇ ãõæÓóì Åöäøó ÇáúãóáóÃó íóÃúÊóãöÑõæäó Èößó áöíóÞúÊõáõæßó ÝóÇÎúÑõÌú Åöäøöí áóßó ãöäó ÇáäøóÇÕöÍöíäó
20 . And a man came from the uttermost part of the city , running . He said : O Moses! Lo! the chiefs take counsel against thee to slay thee ; therefor escape . Lo! I am of those who give thee good advice .
ÝóÎóÑóÌó ãöäúåóÇ ÎóÇÆöÝÇð íóÊóÑóÞøóÈõ ÞóÇáó ÑóÈøö äóÌøöäöí ãöäó ÇáúÞóæúãö ÇáÙøóÇáöãöíäó
21 . So he escaped from thence , fearing , vigilant . He said : My Lord ! Deliver me from the wrongdoing folk .
æóáóãøóÇ ÊóæóÌøóåó ÊöáúÞóÇÁ ãóÏúíóäó ÞóÇáó ÚóÓóì ÑóÈøöí Ãóä íóåúÏöíóäöí ÓóæóÇÁ ÇáÓøóÈöíáö
22 . And when he turned his face toward Midian , he said : Peradventure my Lord will guide me in the right road .
æóáóãøóÇ æóÑóÏó ãóÇÁ ãóÏúíóäó æóÌóÏó Úóáóíúåö ÃõãøóÉð ãøöäó ÇáäøóÇÓö íóÓúÞõæäó æóæóÌóÏó ãöä Ïõæäöåöãõ ÇãúÑóÃÊóíúäö ÊóÐõæÏóÇäö ÞóÇáó ãóÇ ÎóØúÈõßõãóÇ ÞóÇáóÊóÇ áóÇ äóÓúÞöí ÍóÊøóì íõÕúÏöÑó ÇáÑøöÚóÇÁ æóÃóÈõæäóÇ ÔóíúÎñ ßóÈöíÑñ
23 . And when he came unto the water of Midian he found there a whole tribe of men , watering . And he found apart from them two women keeping , back ( their flocks ) . He said : What aileth you? The two said : We cannot give ( our flocks ) to drink till the shepherds return from the water ; and our father is a very old man .
ÝóÓóÞóì áóåõãóÇ Ëõãøó Êóæóáøóì Åöáóì ÇáÙøöáøö ÝóÞóÇáó ÑóÈøö Åöäøöí áöãóÇ ÃóäÒóáúÊó Åöáóíøó ãöäú ÎóíúÑò ÝóÞöíÑñ
24 . So he watered ( their flock ) for them . Then he turned aside into the shade , and said : My Lord! I am needy of whatever good thou sendest down for me .
ÝóÌóÇÁÊúåõ ÅöÍúÏóÇåõãóÇ ÊóãúÔöí Úóáóì ÇÓúÊöÍúíóÇÁ ÞóÇáóÊú Åöäøó ÃóÈöí íóÏúÚõæßó áöíóÌúÒöíóßó ÃóÌúÑó ãóÇ ÓóÞóíúÊó áóäóÇ ÝóáóãøóÇ ÌóÇÁåõ æóÞóÕøó Úóáóíúåö ÇáúÞóÕóÕó ÞóÇáó áóÇ ÊóÎóÝú äóÌóæúÊó ãöäó ÇáúÞóæúãö ÇáÙøóÇáöãöíäó
25 . Then there came unto him one of the two women , walking shyly . She said : Lo! my father biddeth thee , that he may reward thee with a payment for that thou didst water ( the flock ) for us . Then , when he came unto him and told him the ( whole ) story , he said : Fear not! Thou hast escaped from the wrongdoing folk .
ÞóÇáóÊú ÅöÍúÏóÇåõãóÇ íóÇ ÃóÈóÊö ÇÓúÊóÃúÌöÑúåõ Åöäøó ÎóíúÑó ãóäö ÇÓúÊóÃúÌóÑúÊó ÇáúÞóæöíøõ ÇáúÃóãöíäõ
26 . One of the two women said : O my father! Hire him! For the best ( man ) that thou canst hire is the strong , the trustworthy .
ÞóÇáó Åöäøöí ÃõÑöíÏõ Ãóäú ÃõäßöÍóßó ÅöÍúÏóì ÇÈúäóÊóíøó åóÇÊóíúäö Úóáóì Ãóä ÊóÃúÌõÑóäöí ËóãóÇäöíó ÍöÌóÌò ÝóÅöäú ÃóÊúãóãúÊó ÚóÔúÑÇð Ýóãöäú ÚöäÏößó æóãóÇ ÃõÑöíÏõ Ãóäú ÃóÔõÞøó Úóáóíúßó ÓóÊóÌöÏõäöí Åöä ÔóÇÁ Çááøóåõ ãöäó ÇáÕøóÇáöÍöíäó
27 . He said : Lo! I fain would marry thee to one of these two daughters of mine on condition that thou hirest thyself to me for ( the term of ) eight pilgrimages . Then if thou completest ten it will be of thine own accord , for I would not make it hard for thee . Allah willing , thou wilt find me of the righteous .
ÞóÇáó Ðóáößó Èóíúäöí æóÈóíúäóßó ÃóíøóãóÇ ÇáúÃóÌóáóíúäö ÞóÖóíúÊõ ÝóáóÇ ÚõÏúæóÇäó Úóáóíøó æóÇááøóåõ Úóáóì ãóÇ äóÞõæáõ æóßöíáñ
28 . He said : That ( is settled ) between thee and me . Whichever of the two terms I fulfil , there will be no injustice to me , and Allah is Surety over what we say .
ÝóáóãøóÇ ÞóÖóì ãõæÓóìÇáúÃóÌóáó æóÓóÇÑó ÈöÃóåúáöåö ÂäóÓó ãöä ÌóÇäöÈö ÇáØøõæÑö äóÇÑÇð ÞóÇáó áöÃóåúáöåö ÇãúßõËõæÇ Åöäøöí ÂäóÓúÊõ äóÇÑÇð áøóÚóáøöí ÂÊöíßõã ãøöäúåóÇ ÈöÎóÈóÑò Ãóæú ÌóÐúæóÉò ãöäó ÇáäøóÇÑö áóÚóáøóßõãú ÊóÕúØóáõæäó
29 . Then , when Moses had fulfilled the term , and was traveling with his housefolk , he saw in the distance a fire and said unto his housefolk : Bide ye ( here ) . Lo! I see in the distance a fire ; peradventure I shall bring you tidings thence , or a brand from the fire that you may warm yourselves .
ÝóáóãøóÇ ÃóÊóÇåóÇ äõæÏöí ãöä ÔóÇØöÆö ÇáúæóÇÏöí ÇáúÃóíúãóäö Ýöí ÇáúÈõÞúÚóÉö ÇáúãõÈóÇÑóßóÉö ãöäó ÇáÔøóÌóÑóÉö Ãóä íóÇ ãõæÓóì Åöäøöí ÃóäóÇ Çááøóåõ ÑóÈøõ ÇáúÚóÇáóãöíäó
30 . And when he reached it , he was called from the right side of the valley in the blessed field , from the tree : O Moses! Lo! I , even I , am Allah , the Lord of the Worlds ;
æóÃóäú ÃóáúÞö ÚóÕóÇßó ÝóáóãøóÇ ÑóÂåóÇ ÊóåúÊóÒøõ ßóÃóäøóåóÇ ÌóÇäøñ æóáøóì ãõÏúÈöÑÇð æóáóãú íõÚóÞøöÈú íóÇ ãõæÓóì ÃóÞúÈöáú æóáóÇ ÊóÎóÝú Åöäøóßó ãöäó ÇáúÂãöäöíäó
31 . Throw down thy staff . And when he saw it writhing as it had been a demon , he turned to flee headlong , ( and it was said unto him ) : O Moses! Draw nigh and fear not . Lo! thou art of those who are secure .
ÇÓúáõßú íóÏóßó Ýöí ÌóíúÈößó ÊóÎúÑõÌú ÈóíúÖóÇÁ ãöäú ÛóíúÑö ÓõæÁò æóÇÖúãõãú Åöáóíúßó ÌóäóÇÍóßó ãöäó ÇáÑøóåúÈö ÝóÐóÇäößó ÈõÑúåóÇäóÇäö ãöä ÑøóÈøößó Åöáóì ÝöÑúÚóæúäó æóãóáóÆöåö Åöäøóåõãú ßóÇäõæÇ ÞóæúãÇð ÝóÇÓöÞöíäó
32 . Thrust thy hand into the bosom of thy robe , it will come forth white without hurt . And guard thy heart from fear . Then these shall be two proofs from your Lord unto Pharaoh and his chiefs : Lo! they are evil living folk .
ÞóÇáó ÑóÈøö Åöäøöí ÞóÊóáúÊõ ãöäúåõãú äóÝúÓÇð ÝóÃóÎóÇÝõ Ãóä íóÞúÊõáõæäö
33 . He said : My Lord! Lo! I killed a man among them and I fear that they will kill me .
æóÃóÎöí åóÇÑõæäõ åõæó ÃóÝúÕóÍõ ãöäøöí áöÓóÇäÇð ÝóÃóÑúÓöáúåõ ãóÚöíó ÑöÏúÁÇð íõÕóÏøöÞõäöí Åöäøöí ÃóÎóÇÝõ Ãóä íõßóÐøöÈõæäö
34 . My brother Aaron is more eloquent then me in speech . Therefor send him with me as a helper to confirm me . Lo! 1 fear that they will give the lie to me .
ÞóÇáó ÓóäóÔõÏøõ ÚóÖõÏóßó ÈöÃóÎöíßó æóäóÌúÚóáõ áóßõãóÇ ÓõáúØóÇäÇð ÝóáóÇ íóÕöáõæäó ÅöáóíúßõãóÇ ÈöÂíóÇÊöäóÇ ÃóäÊõãóÇ æóãóäö ÇÊøóÈóÚóßõãóÇ ÇáúÛóÇáöÈõæäó
35 . He said : We will strengthen thine arm with thy brother , and We will give unto you both power so that they cannot reach you for Our portents . Ye twain , and those who follow you , will be the winners .
ÝóáóãøóÇ ÌóÇÁåõã ãøõæÓóì ÈöÂíóÇÊöäóÇ ÈóíøöäóÇÊò ÞóÇáõæÇ ãóÇ åóÐóÇ ÅöáøóÇ ÓöÍúÑñ ãøõÝúÊóÑðì æóãóÇ ÓóãöÚúäóÇ ÈöåóÐóÇ Ýöí ÂÈóÇÆöäóÇ ÇáúÃóæøóáöíäó
36 . But when Moses came unto them with Our clear tokens , they said : This is naught but invented magic . We never heard of this among our fathers of old .
æóÞóÇáó ãõæÓóì ÑóÈøöí ÃóÚúáóãõ Èöãóä ÌóÇÁ ÈöÇáúåõÏóì ãöäú ÚöäÏöåö æóãóä Êóßõæäõ áóåõ ÚóÇÞöÈóÉõ ÇáÏøóÇÑö Åöäøóåõ áóÇ íõÝúáöÍõ ÇáÙøóÇáöãõæäó
37 . And Moses said : My Lord is best aware of him who bringeth guidance from His presence , and whose will be the sequel of the Home ( of bliss ) . Lo! wrong doers will not be successful .
æóÞóÇáó ÝöÑúÚóæúäõ íóÇ ÃóíøõåóÇ ÇáúãóáóÃõ ãóÇ ÚóáöãúÊõ áóßõã ãøöäú Åöáóåò ÛóíúÑöí ÝóÃóæúÞöÏú áöí íóÇ åóÇãóÇäõ Úóáóì ÇáØøöíäö ÝóÇÌúÚóá áøöí ÕóÑúÍÇð áøóÚóáøöí ÃóØøóáöÚõ Åöáóì Åöáóåö ãõæÓóì æóÅöäøöí áóÃóÙõäøõåõ ãöäó ÇáúßóÇÐöÈöíäó
38 . And Pharaoh said : O chiefs! I know not that ye have a god other than me , so kindle for me ( a fire ) , O Haman , to bake the mud ; and set up for me a lofty tower in order that I may survey the god of Moses ; and lo! I deem him of the liars .
æóÇÓúÊóßúÈóÑó åõæó æóÌõäõæÏõåõ Ýöí ÇáúÃóÑúÖö ÈöÛóíúÑö ÇáúÍóÞøö æóÙóäøõæÇ Ãóäøóåõãú ÅöáóíúäóÇ áóÇ íõÑúÌóÚõæäó
39 . And he and his hosts were haughty in the land without right , and deemed that they would never be brought back to Us .
ÝóÃóÎóÐúäóÇåõ æóÌõäõæÏóåõ ÝóäóÈóÐúäóÇåõãú Ýöí Çáúíóãøö ÝóÇäÙõÑú ßóíúÝó ßóÇäó ÚóÇÞöÈóÉõ ÇáÙøóÇáöãöíäó
40 . Therefor We seized him and his hosts , and abandoned them unto the sea . Behold the nature of the consequence for evil doers!
æóÌóÚóáúäóÇåõãú ÃóÆöãøóÉð íóÏúÚõæäó Åöáóì ÇáäøóÇÑö æóíóæúãó ÇáúÞöíóÇãóÉö áóÇ íõäÕóÑõæäó
41 . And We made them patterns that invite unto the Fire , and on the Day of Resurrection they will not be helped .
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42 . And We made a curse to follow them in this world , and on the Day of Resurrection they will be among the hateful .
æóáóÞóÏú ÂÊóíúäóÇ ãõæÓóì ÇáúßöÊóÇÈó ãöä ÈóÚúÏö ãóÇ ÃóåúáóßúäóÇ ÇáúÞõÑõæäó ÇáúÃõæáóì ÈóÕóÇÆöÑó áöáäøóÇÓö æóåõÏðì æóÑóÍúãóÉð áøóÚóáøóåõãú íóÊóÐóßøóÑõæäó
43 . And We verity gave the Scripture unto Moses after We had destroyed the generations of old ; clear testimonies for mankind , and a guidance and a mercy , that haply they might reflect .
æóãóÇ ßõäÊó ÈöÌóÇäöÈö ÇáúÛóÑúÈöíøö ÅöÐú ÞóÖóíúäóÇ Åöáóì ãõæÓóì ÇáúÃóãúÑó æóãóÇ ßõäÊó ãöäó ÇáÔøóÇåöÏöíäó
44 . And thou ( Muhammad ) wast not on the western side ( of the Mount ) when We expounded unto Moses the commandment , and thou wast not among those present ;
æóáóßöäøóÇ ÃóäÔóÃúäóÇ ÞõÑõæäÇð ÝóÊóØóÇæóáó Úóáóíúåöãõ ÇáúÚõãõÑõ æóãóÇ ßõäÊó ËóÇæöíÇð Ýöí Ãóåúáö ãóÏúíóäó ÊóÊúáõæ Úóáóíúåöãú ÂíóÇÊöäóÇ æóáóßöäøóÇ ßõäøóÇ ãõÑúÓöáöíäó
45 . But We brought forth generations , and their lives dragged on for them . And thou wast not a dweller in Midian , reciting unto them Our revelations , but We kept sending ( messengers to men ) .
æóãóÇ ßõäÊó ÈöÌóÇäöÈö ÇáØøõæÑö ÅöÐú äóÇÏóíúäóÇ æóáóßöä ÑøóÍúãóÉð ãøöä ÑøóÈøößó áöÊõäÐöÑó ÞóæúãÇð ãøóÇ ÃóÊóÇåõã ãøöä äøóÐöíÑò ãøöä ÞóÈúáößó áóÚóáøóåõãú íóÊóÐóßøóÑõæäó
46 . And thou wast not beside the Mount when We did call ; but ( the knowledge of it is ) a mercy from thy Lord that thou mayest warn a folk unto whom no warner came before thee , that haply they may give heed .
æóáóæúáóÇ Ãóä ÊõÕöíÈóåõã ãøõÕöíÈóÉñ ÈöãóÇ ÞóÏøóãóÊú ÃóíúÏöíåöãú ÝóíóÞõæáõæÇ ÑóÈøóäóÇ áóæúáóÇ ÃóÑúÓóáúÊó ÅöáóíúäóÇ ÑóÓõæáÇð ÝóäóÊøóÈöÚó ÂíóÇÊößó æóäóßõæäó ãöäó ÇáúãõÄúãöäöíäó
47 . Otherwise , if disaster should afflict them because of that which their own hands have sent before ( them ) , they might say : Our Lord! Why sentest Thou no messenger unto us , that we might have followed Thy revelations and been of the believers?
ÝóáóãøóÇ ÌóÇÁåõãõ ÇáúÍóÞøõ ãöäú ÚöäÏöäóÇ ÞóÇáõæÇ áóæúáóÇ ÃõæÊöíó ãöËúáó ãóÇ ÃõæÊöíó ãõæÓóì Ãóæóáóãú íóßúÝõÑõæÇ ÈöãóÇ ÃõæÊöíó ãõæÓóì ãöä ÞóÈúáõ ÞóÇáõæÇ ÓöÍúÑóÇäö ÊóÙóÇåóÑóÇ æóÞóÇáõæÇ ÅöäøóÇ Èößõáøò ßóÇÝöÑõæäó
48 . But when there came unto them the Truth from Our presence , they said : Why is he not given the like of what was given unto Moses? Did they not disbelieve in that which was given unto Moses of old? They say : Two magics that support each other ; and they say : Lo! in both we are disbelievers .
Þõáú ÝóÃúÊõæÇ ÈößöÊóÇÈò ãøöäú ÚöäÏö Çááøóåö åõæó ÃóåúÏóì ãöäúåõãóÇ ÃóÊøóÈöÚúåõ Åöä ßõäÊõãú ÕóÇÏöÞöíäó
49 . Say ( unto them , O Muhammad ) : Then bring a Scripture from the presence of Allah that giveth clearer guidance than these two ( that ) I may follow it , if ye are truthful .
ÝóÅöä áøóãú íóÓúÊóÌöíÈõæÇ áóßó ÝóÇÚúáóãú ÃóäøóãóÇ íóÊøóÈöÚõæäó ÃóåúæóÇÁåõãú æóãóäú ÃóÖóáøõ ãöãøóäö ÇÊøóÈóÚó åóæóÇåõ ÈöÛóíúÑö åõÏðì ãøöäó Çááøóåö Åöäøó Çááøóåó áóÇ íóåúÏöí ÇáúÞóæúãó ÇáÙøóÇáöãöíäó
50 . And if they answer thee not , then know that what they follow is their lusts . And who goeth farther astray than he who followeth his lust without guidance from Allah . Lo! Allah guideth not wrongdoing folk .
æóáóÞóÏú æóÕøóáúäóÇ áóåõãõ ÇáúÞóæúáó áóÚóáøóåõãú íóÊóÐóßøóÑõæäó
51 . And now verily We have caused the Word to reach them , that haply they may give heed .
ÇáøóÐöíäó ÂÊóíúäóÇåõãõ ÇáúßöÊóÇÈó ãöä ÞóÈúáöåö åõã Èöåö íõÄúãöäõæäó
52 . Those unto whom We gave the Scripture before it , they believe in it ,
æóÅöÐóÇ íõÊúáóì Úóáóíúåöãú ÞóÇáõæÇ ÂãóäøóÇ Èöåö Åöäøóåõ ÇáúÍóÞøõ ãöä ÑøóÈøöäóÇ ÅöäøóÇ ßõäøóÇ ãöä ÞóÈúáöåö ãõÓúáöãöíäó
53 . And when it is recited unto them , they say : We believe in it . Lo! it is the Truth from our Lord . Lo! even before it we were of those who surrender ( unto Him ) .
ÃõæúáóÆößó íõÄúÊóæúäó ÃóÌúÑóåõã ãøóÑøóÊóíúäö ÈöãóÇ ÕóÈóÑõæÇ æóíóÏúÑóÄõæäó ÈöÇáúÍóÓóäóÉö ÇáÓøóíøöÆóÉó æóãöãøóÇ ÑóÒóÞúäóÇåõãú íõäÝöÞõæäó
54 . These will be given their reward twice over , because they are steadfast and repel evil with good , and spend of that wherewith We have provided them ,
æóÅöÐóÇ ÓóãöÚõæÇ ÇááøóÛúæó ÃóÚúÑóÖõæÇ Úóäúåõ æóÞóÇáõæÇ áóäóÇ ÃóÚúãóÇáõäóÇ æóáóßõãú ÃóÚúãóÇáõßõãú ÓóáóÇãñ Úóáóíúßõãú áóÇ äóÈúÊóÛöí ÇáúÌóÇåöáöíäó
55 . And when they hear vanity they withdraw from it and say : Unto us our works and unto you your works . Peace be unto you! We desire not the ignorant .
Åöäøóßó áóÇ ÊóåúÏöí ãóäú ÃóÍúÈóÈúÊó æóáóßöäøó Çááøóåó íóåúÏöí ãóä íóÔóÇÁõ æóåõæó ÃóÚúáóãõ ÈöÇáúãõåúÊóÏöíäó
56 . Lo! thou ( O Muhammad ) guidest not whom thou lovest , but Allah guideth whom He will . And He is best aware of those who walk aright .
æóÞóÇáõæÇ Åöä äøóÊøóÈöÚö ÇáúåõÏóì ãóÚóßó äõÊóÎóØøóÝú ãöäú ÃóÑúÖöäóÇ Ãóæóáóãú äõãóßøöä áøóåõãú ÍóÑóãÇð ÂãöäÇð íõÌúÈóì Åöáóíúåö ËóãóÑóÇÊõ ßõáøö ÔóíúÁò ÑöÒúÞÇð ãöä áøóÏõäøóÇ æóáóßöäøó ÃóßúËóÑóåõãú áóÇ íóÚúáóãõæäó
57 . And they say : If we were to follow the Guidance with thee we should be torn out of our land . Have We not established for them a sure sanctuary , whereunto the produce of all things is brought ( in trade ) , a provision from Our presence? But most of them know not .
æóßóãú ÃóåúáóßúäóÇ ãöä ÞóÑúíóÉò ÈóØöÑóÊú ãóÚöíÔóÊóåóÇ ÝóÊöáúßó ãóÓóÇßöäõåõãú áóãú ÊõÓúßóä ãøöä ÈóÚúÏöåöãú ÅöáøóÇ ÞóáöíáÇð æóßõäøóÇ äóÍúäõ ÇáúæóÇÑöËöíäó
58 . And how many a community have We destroyed that was thankless for its means of livelihood! And yonder are their dwellings , which have not been inhabited after them save a little . And We , even We , were the inheritors .
æóãóÇ ßóÇäó ÑóÈøõßó ãõåúáößó ÇáúÞõÑóì ÍóÊøóì íóÈúÚóËó Ýöí ÃõãøöåóÇ ÑóÓõæáÇð íóÊúáõæ Úóáóíúåöãú ÂíóÇÊöäóÇ æóãóÇ ßõäøóÇ ãõåúáößöí ÇáúÞõÑóì ÅöáøóÇ æóÃóåúáõåóÇ ÙóÇáöãõæäó
59 . And never did thy Lord destroy the townships , till He had raised up in their mother ( town ) a messenger reciting unto them Our revelations . And never did We destroy the townships unless the folk thereof were evil doers .
æóãóÇ ÃõæÊöíÊõã ãøöä ÔóíúÁò ÝóãóÊóÇÚõ ÇáúÍóíóÇÉö ÇáÏøõäúíóÇ æóÒöíäóÊõåóÇ æóãóÇ ÚöäÏó Çááøóåö ÎóíúÑñ æóÃóÈúÞóì ÃóÝóáóÇ ÊóÚúÞöáõæäó
60 . And whatsoever ye have been given is a comfort of the life of the world and an ornament thereof ; and that which Allah hath is better and more lasting . Have ye then no sense?
ÃóÝóãóä æóÚóÏúäóÇåõ æóÚúÏÇð ÍóÓóäÇð Ýóåõæó áóÇÞöíåö ßóãóä ãøóÊøóÚúäóÇåõ ãóÊóÇÚó ÇáúÍóíóÇÉö ÇáÏøõäúíóÇ Ëõãøó åõæó íóæúãó ÇáúÞöíóÇãóÉö ãöäó ÇáúãõÍúÖóÑöíäó
61 . Is he whom We have promised a fair promise which he will find ( true ) like him whom We suffer to enjoy awhile the comfort of the life of the world , then on the Day of Resurrection he will be of those arraigned?
æóíóæúãó íõäóÇÏöíåöãú ÝóíóÞõæáõ Ãóíúäó ÔõÑóßóÇÆöíó ÇáøóÐöíäó ßõäÊõãú ÊóÒúÚõãõæäó
62 . On the Day when He will call unto them and say : Where are My partners whom ye imagined?
ÞóÇáó ÇáøóÐöíäó ÍóÞøó Úóáóíúåöãõ ÇáúÞóæúáõ ÑóÈøóäóÇ åóÄõáóÇÁ ÇáøóÐöíäó ÃóÛúæóíúäóÇ ÃóÛúæóíúäóÇåõãú ßóãóÇ ÛóæóíúäóÇ ÊóÈóÑøóÃúäóÇ Åöáóíúßó ãóÇ ßóÇäõæÇ ÅöíøóÇäóÇ íóÚúÈõÏõæäó
63 . Those concerning whom the Word will have come true will say : Our Lord! These are they whom we led astray . We led them astray even as we ourselves were astray . We declare our innocence before Thee : us they never worshipped
æóÞöíáó ÇÏúÚõæÇ ÔõÑóßóÇÁßõãú ÝóÏóÚóæúåõãú Ýóáóãú íóÓúÊóÌöíÈõæÇ áóåõãú æóÑóÃóæõÇ ÇáúÚóÐóÇÈó áóæú Ãóäøóåõãú ßóÇäõæÇ íóåúÊóÏõæäó
64 . And it will be said : Cry unto your ( so called ) partners ( of Allah ) . And they will cry unto them , and they will give no answer unto them , and they will see the Doom . Ah , if they had but been guided!
æóíóæúãó íõäóÇÏöíåöãú ÝóíóÞõæáõ ãóÇÐóÇ ÃóÌóÈúÊõãõ ÇáúãõÑúÓóáöíäó
65 . And on the Day when He will call unto them and say : What answer gave ye to the messengers?
ÝóÚóãöíóÊú Úóáóíúåöãõ ÇáúÃóäÈóÇÁ íóæúãóÆöÐò Ýóåõãú áóÇ íóÊóÓóÇÁáõæäó
66 . On that day ( all ) tidings will be dimmed for them , nor will they ask one of another ,
ÝóÃóãøóÇ ãóä ÊóÇÈó æóÂãóäó æóÚóãöáó ÕóÇáöÍÇð ÝóÚóÓóì Ãóä íóßõæäó ãöäó ÇáúãõÝúáöÍöíäó
67 . But as for him who shall repent and believe and do right , he haply may be one of the successful .
æóÑóÈøõßó íóÎúáõÞõ ãóÇ íóÔóÇÁõ æóíóÎúÊóÇÑõ ãóÇ ßóÇäó áóåõãõ ÇáúÎöíóÑóÉõ ÓõÈúÍóÇäó Çááøóåö æóÊóÚóÇáóì ÚóãøóÇ íõÔúÑößõæäó
68 . Thy Lord bringeth to pass what He willeth and chooseth . They have never any choice . Glorified be Allah and exalted above all that they associate ( with Him ) !
æóÑóÈøõßó íóÚúáóãõ ãóÇ Êõßöäøõ ÕõÏõæÑõåõãú æóãóÇ íõÚúáöäõæäó
69 . And thy Lord knoweth what thee breasts conceal , and what they publish .
æóåõæó Çááøóåõ áóÇ Åöáóåó ÅöáøóÇ åõæó áóåõ ÇáúÍóãúÏõ Ýöí ÇáúÃõæáóì æóÇáúÂÎöÑóÉö æóáóåõ ÇáúÍõßúãõ æóÅöáóíúåö ÊõÑúÌóÚõæäó
70 . And He is Allah ; there is no God save Him . His is all praise in the former and the latter ( state ) , and His is the command , and unto Him ye will be brought back .
Þõáú ÃóÑóÃóíúÊõãú Åöä ÌóÚóáó Çááøóåõ Úóáóíúßõãõ Çááøóíúáó ÓóÑúãóÏÇð Åöáóì íóæúãö ÇáúÞöíóÇãóÉö ãóäú Åöáóåñ ÛóíúÑõ Çááøóåö íóÃúÊöíßõã ÈöÖöíóÇÁ ÃóÝóáóÇ ÊóÓúãóÚõæäó
71 . Say : Have ye thought , if Allah made night everlasting for you till the Day of Resurrection , who is a God beside Allah who could bring you light? Will ye not then hear?
Þõáú ÃóÑóÃóíúÊõãú Åöä ÌóÚóáó Çááøóåõ Úóáóíúßõãõ ÇáäøóåóÇÑó ÓóÑúãóÏÇð Åöáóì íóæúãö ÇáúÞöíóÇãóÉö ãóäú Åöáóåñ ÛóíúÑõ Çááøóåö íóÃúÊöíßõã Èöáóíúáò ÊóÓúßõäõæäó Ýöíåö ÃóÝóáóÇ ÊõÈúÕöÑõæäó
72 . Say : Have ye thought , if Allah made day everlasting for you till the Day of Resurrection , who is a God beside Allah who could , bring you night wherein ye rest? Will ye not then see?
æóãöä ÑøóÍúãóÊöåö ÌóÚóáó áóßõãõ Çááøóíúáó æóÇáäøóåóÇÑó áöÊóÓúßõäõæÇ Ýöíåö æóáöÊóÈúÊóÛõæÇ ãöä ÝóÖúáöåö æóáóÚóáøóßõãú ÊóÔúßõÑõæäó
73 . Of His mercy hath He appointed for you night and day that therein ye may rest , and that ye may seek His bounty , and that haply ye may be thankful .
æóíóæúãó íõäóÇÏöíåöãú ÝóíóÞõæáõ Ãóíúäó ÔõÑóßóÇÆöíó ÇáøóÐöíäó ßõäÊõãú ÊóÒúÚõãõæäó
74 . And on the Day when He shall call unto them and say : Where are My partners whom ye pretended?
æóäóÒóÚúäóÇ ãöä ßõáøö ÃõãøóÉò ÔóåöíÏÇð ÝóÞõáúäóÇ åóÇÊõæÇ ÈõÑúåóÇäóßõãú ÝóÚóáöãõæÇ Ãóäøó ÇáúÍóÞøó áöáøóåö æóÖóáøó Úóäúåõã ãøóÇ ßóÇäõæÇ íóÝúÊóÑõæäó
75 . And We shall take out from every nation a witness and We shall say : Bring your proof . Then they will know that Allah hath the Truth , and all that they invented will have failed them .
Åöäøó ÞóÇÑõæäó ßóÇäó ãöä Þóæúãö ãõæÓóì ÝóÈóÛóì Úóáóíúåöãú æóÂÊóíúäóÇåõ ãöäó ÇáúßõäõæÒö ãóÇ Åöäøó ãóÝóÇÊöÍóåõ áóÊóäõæÁõ ÈöÇáúÚõÕúÈóÉö Ãõæáöí ÇáúÞõæøóÉö ÅöÐú ÞóÇáó áóåõ Þóæúãõåõ áóÇ ÊóÝúÑóÍú Åöäøó Çááøóåó áóÇ íõÍöÈøõ ÇáúÝóÑöÍöíäó
76 . Now Korah was of Moses folk , but he oppressed them and We gave him so much treasure that the stores thereof would verily have been a burden for a troop of mighty men . When his own folk said unto him : Exult not ; lo! Allah loveth not the exultant ;
æóÇÈúÊóÛö ÝöíãóÇ ÂÊóÇßó Çááøóåõ ÇáÏøóÇÑó ÇáúÂÎöÑóÉó æóáóÇ ÊóäÓó äóÕöíÈóßó ãöäó ÇáÏøõäúíóÇ æóÃóÍúÓöä ßóãóÇ ÃóÍúÓóäó Çááøóåõ Åöáóíúßó æóáóÇ ÊóÈúÛö ÇáúÝóÓóÇÏó Ýöí ÇáúÃóÑúÖö Åöäøó Çááøóåó áóÇ íõÍöÈøõ ÇáúãõÝúÓöÏöíäó
77 . But seek the abode of the Hereafter in that which Allah hath given thee and neglect not thy portion of the world , and be thou kind even as Allah hath been kind to thee , and seek not corruption in the earth ; lo! Allah loveth not corrupters ,
ÞóÇáó ÅöäøóãóÇ ÃõæÊöíÊõåõ Úóáóì Úöáúãò ÚöäÏöí Ãóæóáóãú íóÚúáóãú Ãóäøó Çááøóåó ÞóÏú Ãóåúáóßó ãöä ÞóÈúáöåö ãöäó ÇáÞõÑõæäö ãóäú åõæó ÃóÔóÏøõ ãöäúåõ ÞõæøóÉð æóÃóßúËóÑõ ÌóãúÚÇð æóáóÇ íõÓúÃóáõ Úóä ÐõäõæÈöåöãõ ÇáúãõÌúÑöãõæäó
78 . He said : I have been given it only on account of knowledge I possess . Knew he not that Allah had destroyed already of the generations before him men who were mightier than Him in strength and greater in respect of following? The guilty are not questioned of their sins .
ÝóÎóÑóÌó Úóáóì Þóæúãöåö Ýöí ÒöíäóÊöåö ÞóÇáó ÇáøóÐöíäó íõÑöíÏõæäó ÇáúÍóíóÇÉó ÇáÏøõäíóÇ íóÇ áóíúÊó áóäóÇ ãöËúáó ãóÇ ÃõæÊöíó ÞóÇÑõæäõ Åöäøóåõ áóÐõæ ÍóÙøò ÚóÙöíãò
79 . Then went he forth before his people in his pomp . Those who were desirous of the life of the world said : Ah , would that unto us had been given the like of what hath been given unto Korah! Lo! he is lord of rare good fortune .
æóÞóÇáó ÇáøóÐöíäó ÃõæÊõæÇ ÇáúÚöáúãó æóíúáóßõãú ËóæóÇÈõ Çááøóåö ÎóíúÑñ áøöãóäú Âãóäó æóÚóãöáó ÕóÇáöÍÇð æóáóÇ íõáóÞøóÇåóÇ ÅöáøóÇ ÇáÕøóÇÈöÑõæäó
80 . But those who had been given knowledge said : Woe unto you! The reward of Allah for him who believeth and doeth right is better , and only the steadfast will obtain it .
ÝóÎóÓóÝúäóÇ Èöåö æóÈöÏóÇÑöåö ÇáúÃóÑúÖó ÝóãóÇ ßóÇäó áóåõ ãöä ÝöÆóÉò íóäÕõÑõæäóåõ ãöä Ïõæäö Çááøóåö æóãóÇ ßóÇäó ãöäó ÇáãõäÊóÕöÑöíäó
81 . So We caused the earth to swallow him and his dwelling place . Then he had no host to help him against Allah , nor was he of those who can save themselves .
æóÃóÕúÈóÍó ÇáøóÐöíäó ÊóãóäøóæúÇ ãóßóÇäóåõ ÈöÇáúÃóãúÓö íóÞõæáõæäó æóíúßóÃóäøó Çááøóåó íóÈúÓõØõ ÇáÑøöÒúÞó áöãóä íóÔóÇÁõ ãöäú ÚöÈóÇÏöåö æóíóÞúÏöÑõ áóæúáóÇ Ãóä ãøóäøó Çááøóåõ ÚóáóíúäóÇ áóÎóÓóÝó ÈöäóÇ æóíúßóÃóäøóåõ áóÇ íõÝúáöÍõ ÇáúßóÇÝöÑõæäó
82 . And morning found those who had coveted his place but yesterday crying : Ah , welladay! Allah enlargeth the provision for whom He will of His slaves and straiteneth it ( for whom He will ) . If Allah had not been gracious unto us He would have caused it to swallow us ( also ) . Ah , welladay! the disbelievers never prosper .
Êöáúßó ÇáÏøóÇÑõ ÇáúÂÎöÑóÉõ äóÌúÚóáõåóÇ áöáøóÐöíäó áóÇ íõÑöíÏõæäó ÚõáõæøÇð Ýöí ÇáúÃóÑúÖö æóáóÇ ÝóÓóÇÏÇð æóÇáúÚóÇÞöÈóÉõ áöáúãõÊøóÞöíäó
83 . As for that Abode of the Hereafter We assign it unto those who seek not oppression in the earth , nor yet corruption . The sequel is for those who ward off ( evil ) .
ãóä ÌóÇÁ ÈöÇáúÍóÓóäóÉö Ýóáóåõ ÎóíúÑñ ãøöäúåóÇ æóãóä ÌóÇÁ ÈöÇáÓøóíøöÆóÉö ÝóáóÇ íõÌúÒóì ÇáøóÐöíäó ÚóãöáõæÇ ÇáÓøóíøöÆóÇÊö ÅöáøóÇ ãóÇ ßóÇäõæÇ íóÚúãóáõæäó
84 . Whoso bringeth a good deed , he will have better than the same ; while as for him who bringeth an ill deed , those who do ill deeds will be requited only what they did .
Åöäøó ÇáøóÐöí ÝóÑóÖó Úóáóíúßó ÇáúÞõÑúÂäó áóÑóÇÏøõßó Åöáóì ãóÚóÇÏò Þõá ÑøóÈøöí ÃóÚúáóãõ ãóä ÌóÇÁ ÈöÇáúåõÏóì æóãóäú åõæó Ýöí ÖóáóÇáò ãøõÈöíäò
85 . Lo! He Who hath given thee the Quran for a law will surely bring thee borne again . Say : My Lord is best aware of he who bringeth guidance and him who is in error manifest .
æóãóÇ ßõäÊó ÊóÑúÌõæ Ãóä íõáúÞóì Åöáóíúßó ÇáúßöÊóÇÈõ ÅöáøóÇ ÑóÍúãóÉð ãøöä ÑøóÈøößó ÝóáóÇ Êóßõæäóäøó ÙóåöíÑÇð áøöáúßóÇÝöÑöíäó
86 . Thou hadst no hope that the Scripture would be inspired in thee ; but it is a mercy from thy Lord , so never be a helper to the disbelievers .
æóáóÇ íóÕõÏøõäøóßó Úóäú ÂíóÇÊö Çááøóåö ÈóÚúÏó ÅöÐú ÃõäÒöáóÊú Åöáóíúßó æóÇÏúÚõ Åöáóì ÑóÈøößó æóáóÇ Êóßõæäóäøó ãöäó ÇáúãõÔúÑößöíäó
87 . And let them not divert thee from the revelations of Allah after they have been sent down unto thee ; but call ( mankind ) unto thy Lord , and be not of those who ascribe partners ( unto turn ) .
æóáóÇ ÊóÏúÚõ ãóÚó Çááøóåö ÅöáóåÇð ÂÎóÑó áóÇ Åöáóåó ÅöáøóÇ åõæó ßõáøõ ÔóíúÁò åóÇáößñ ÅöáøóÇ æóÌúåóåõ áóåõ ÇáúÍõßúãõ æóÅöáóíúåö ÊõÑúÌóÚõæäó
88 . And cry not unto any other god along with Allah . There is no God save him . Everything will perish save His countenance . His is the command , and unto Him ye will be brought back .
