قرآن اور حدیث

The Holy Qur'an

Recite Online Urdu Translation Recite Sura

English Translation
Sura | Ayah | Word
Arabic Only
Sura | Ayah | Word
Urdu Translation
Sura | Ayah | Word
[Developed By: Nauman Rajput - dynasoft.web@gmail.com]
1 . The Beneficent
Úóáøóãó ÇáúÞõÑúÂäó
2 . Hath made known the Quran .
ÎóáóÞó ÇáúÅöäÓóÇäó
3 . He hath created man .
Úóáøóãóåõ ÇáúÈóíóÇäó
4 . He hath taught him utterance .
ÇáÔøóãúÓõ æóÇáúÞóãóÑõ ÈöÍõÓúÈóÇäò
5 . The sun and the moon are made punctual .
æóÇáäøóÌúãõ æóÇáÔøóÌóÑõ íóÓúÌõÏóÇäö
6 . The stars and the trees prostrate.
æóÇáÓøóãóÇÁ ÑóÝóÚóåóÇ æóæóÖóÚó ÇáúãöíÒóÇäó
7 . And the sky He hath uplifted ; and He hath set the measure ,
ÃóáøóÇ ÊóØúÛóæúÇ Ýöí ÇáúãöíÒóÇäö
8 . That ye exceed not the measure ,
æóÃóÞöíãõæÇ ÇáúæóÒúäó ÈöÇáúÞöÓúØö æóáóÇ ÊõÎúÓöÑõæÇ ÇáúãöíÒóÇäó
9 . But observe the measure strictly , nor fall short thereof .
æóÇáúÃóÑúÖó æóÖóÚóåóÇ áöáúÃóäóÇãö
10 . And the earth hath He appointed for ( His ) creatures ,
ÝöíåóÇ ÝóÇßöåóÉñ æóÇáäøóÎúáõ ÐóÇÊõ ÇáúÃóßúãóÇãö
11 . Wherein are fruit and sheathed palm trees
æóÇáúÍóÈøõ Ðõæ ÇáúÚóÕúÝö æóÇáÑøóíúÍóÇäõ
12 . Husked grain and scented herb .
ÝóÈöÃóíøö ÂáóÇÁ ÑóÈøößõãóÇ ÊõßóÐøöÈóÇäö
13 . Which is it , of the favors of your Lord , that ye deny?
ÎóáóÞó ÇáúÅöäÓóÇäó ãöä ÕóáúÕóÇáò ßóÇáúÝóÎøóÇÑö
14 . He created man of clay like the potter ' s ,
æóÎóáóÞó ÇáúÌóÇäøó ãöä ãøóÇÑöÌò ãøöä äøóÇÑò
15 . And the Jinn did He create of smokeless fire .
ÝóÈöÃóíøö ÂáóÇÁ ÑóÈøößõãóÇ ÊõßóÐøöÈóÇäö
16 . Which is it , of the favors of your Lord , that ye deny?
ÑóÈøõ ÇáúãóÔúÑöÞóíúäö æóÑóÈøõ ÇáúãóÛúÑöÈóíúäö
17 . Lord of the two Easts , and Lord of the two Wests!
ÝóÈöÃóíøö ÂáóÇÁ ÑóÈøößõãóÇ ÊõßóÐøöÈóÇäö
18 . Which is it , of the favors of your Lord , that ye deny?
ãóÑóÌó ÇáúÈóÍúÑóíúäö íóáúÊóÞöíóÇäö
19 . He hath loosed the two seas . They meet .
ÈóíúäóåõãóÇ ÈóÑúÒóÎñ áøóÇ íóÈúÛöíóÇäö
20 . There is a barrier between them . They encroach not ( one upon the other ) .
ÝóÈöÃóíøö ÂáóÇÁ ÑóÈøößõãóÇ ÊõßóÐøöÈóÇäö
21 . Which is it , of the favors of your Lord : that ye deny?
íóÎúÑõÌõ ãöäúåõãóÇ ÇááøõÄúáõÄõ æóÇáúãóÑúÌóÇäõ
22 . There cometh forth from both of them the pearl and coral stone .
ÝóÈöÃóíøö ÂáóÇÁ ÑóÈøößõãóÇ ÊõßóÐøöÈóÇäö
23 . Which is it , of the favors of your Lord , that ye deny?
æóáóåõ ÇáúÌóæóÇÑö ÇáúãõäÔóÂÊõ Ýöí ÇáúÈóÍúÑö ßóÇáúÃóÚúáóÇãö
24 . His are the ships displayed upon the sea , like banners .
ÝóÈöÃóíøö ÂáóÇÁ ÑóÈøößõãóÇ ÊõßóÐøöÈóÇäö
25 . Which is it , of the favors of your Lord , that ye deny?
ßõáøõ ãóäú ÚóáóíúåóÇ ÝóÇäò
26 . Everyone that is thereon will pass away ;
æóíóÈúÞóì æóÌúåõ ÑóÈøößó Ðõæ ÇáúÌóáóÇáö æóÇáúÅößúÑóÇãö
27 . There remaineth but the countenance of thy Lord of Might and Glory .
ÝóÈöÃóíøö ÂáóÇÁ ÑóÈøößõãóÇ ÊõßóÐøöÈóÇäö
28 . Which is it , of the favors of your Lord , that ye deny?
íóÓúÃóáõåõ ãóä Ýöí ÇáÓøóãóÇæóÇÊö æóÇáúÃóÑúÖö ßõáøó íóæúãò åõæó Ýöí ÔóÃúäò
29 . All that are in the heavens and the earth entreat Him . Every day He exerciseth ( universal ) power .
ÝóÈöÃóíøö ÂáóÇÁ ÑóÈøößõãóÇ ÊõßóÐøöÈóÇäö
30 . Which is it , of the favors of your Lord , that ye deny?
ÓóäóÝúÑõÛõ áóßõãú ÃóíøõåóÇ ÇáËøóÞóáóÇäö
31 . We shall dispose of you , O ye two dependents ( man and jinn ) .
ÝóÈöÃóíøö ÂáóÇÁ ÑóÈøößõãóÇ ÊõßóÐøöÈóÇäö
32 . Which is it , of the favors of your Lord , that ye deny?
íóÇ ãóÚúÔóÑó ÇáúÌöäøö æóÇáúÅöäÓö Åöäö ÇÓúÊóØóÚúÊõãú Ãóä ÊóäÝõÐõæÇ ãöäú ÃóÞúØóÇÑö ÇáÓøóãóÇæóÇÊö æóÇáúÃóÑúÖö ÝóÇäÝõÐõæÇ áóÇ ÊóäÝõÐõæäó ÅöáøóÇ ÈöÓõáúØóÇäò
33 . O company of jinn and men , if ye have power to penetrate ( all ) regions of the heavens and the earth ; then penetrate ( them ) ! Ye will never penetrate them save with ( Our ) sanction .
ÝóÈöÃóíøö ÂáóÇÁ ÑóÈøößõãóÇ ÊõßóÐøöÈóÇäö
34 . Which is it , of the favors of your Lord , that ye deny?
íõÑúÓóáõ ÚóáóíúßõãóÇ ÔõæóÇÙñ ãøöä äøóÇÑò æóäõÍóÇÓñ ÝóáóÇ ÊóäÊóÕöÑóÇäö
35 . There will be sent , against you both , heat of fire and flash of brass , and ye will not escape .
ÝóÈöÃóíøö ÂáóÇÁ ÑóÈøößõãóÇ ÊõßóÐøöÈóÇäö
36 . Which is it , of the favors of your Lord , that ye deny?
ÝóÅöÐóÇ ÇäÔóÞøóÊö ÇáÓøóãóÇÁ ÝóßóÇäóÊú æóÑúÏóÉð ßóÇáÏøöåóÇäö
37 . And when the heaven splitteth asunder and becometh rosy like red hide
ÝóÈöÃóíøö ÂáóÇÁ ÑóÈøößõãóÇ ÊõßóÐøöÈóÇäö
38 . Which is it , of the favors of your Lord , that ye deny?
ÝóíóæúãóÆöÐò áøóÇ íõÓúÃóáõ Úóä ÐóäÈöåö ÅöäÓñ æóáóÇ ÌóÇäøñ
39 . On that day neither man nor jinn will be questioned of his sin .
ÝóÈöÃóíøö ÂáóÇÁ ÑóÈøößõãóÇ ÊõßóÐøöÈóÇäö
40 . Which is it , of the favors of your Lord , that ye deny?
íõÚúÑóÝõ ÇáúãõÌúÑöãõæäó ÈöÓöíãóÇåõãú ÝóíõÄúÎóÐõ ÈöÇáäøóæóÇÕöí æóÇáúÃóÞúÏóÇãö
41 . The guilty will be known by their marks , and will he taken by the forelocks and the feet .
ÝóÈöÃóíøö ÂáóÇÁ ÑóÈøößõãóÇ ÊõßóÐøöÈóÇäö
42 . Which is it , of the favors of your Lord , that ye deny?
åóÐöåö Ìóåóäøóãõ ÇáøóÊöí íõßóÐøöÈõ ÈöåóÇ ÇáúãõÌúÑöãõæäó
43 . This is Hell which the guilty deny .
íóØõæÝõæäó ÈóíúäóåóÇ æóÈóíúäó Íóãöíãò Âäò
44 . They go circling round between it and fierce , boiling water .
ÝóÈöÃóíøö ÂáóÇÁ ÑóÈøößõãóÇ ÊõßóÐøöÈóÇäö
45 . Which is it , of the favors of your Lord , that ye deny?
æóáöãóäú ÎóÇÝó ãóÞóÇãó ÑóÈøöåö ÌóäøóÊóÇäö
46 . But for him who feareth the standing before his Lord there are two gardens .
ÝóÈöÃóíøö ÂáóÇÁ ÑóÈøößõãóÇ ÊõßóÐøöÈóÇäö
47 . Which is it , of the favors of your Lord , that ye deny?
ÐóæóÇÊóÇ ÃóÝúäóÇäò
48 . Of spreading branches .
ÝóÈöÃóíøö ÂáóÇÁ ÑóÈøößõãóÇ ÊõßóÐøöÈóÇäö
49 . Which is it , of the favors of your Lord , that ye deny?
ÝöíåöãóÇ ÚóíúäóÇäö ÊóÌúÑöíóÇäö
50 . Wherein are two fountains flowing .
ÝóÈöÃóíøö ÂáóÇÁ ÑóÈøößõãóÇ ÊõßóÐøöÈóÇäö
51 . Which is it , of the favors of your Lord , that ye deny?
ÝöíåöãóÇ ãöä ßõáøö ÝóÇßöåóÉò ÒóæúÌóÇäö
52 . Wherein is every kind of fruit in pairs .
ÝóÈöÃóíøö ÂáóÇÁ ÑóÈøößõãóÇ ÊõßóÐøöÈóÇäö
53 . Which is it , of the favors of your Lord , that ye deny?
ãõÊøóßöÆöíäó Úóáóì ÝõÑõÔò ÈóØóÇÆöäõåóÇ ãöäú ÅöÓúÊóÈúÑóÞò æóÌóäóì ÇáúÌóäøóÊóíúäö ÏóÇäò
54 . Reclining upon couches lined with silk brocade , the fruit of both gardens near to hand .
ÝóÈöÃóíøö ÂáóÇÁ ÑóÈøößõãóÇ ÊõßóÐøöÈóÇäö
55 . Which is it , of the favors of your Lord , that ye deny?
Ýöíåöäøó ÞóÇÕöÑóÇÊõ ÇáØøóÑúÝö áóãú íóØúãöËúåõäøó ÅöäÓñ ÞóÈúáóåõãú æóáóÇ ÌóÇäøñ
56 . Therein are those of modest gaze , whom neither man nor jinn will have touched before them ,
ÝóÈöÃóíøö ÂáóÇÁ ÑóÈøößõãóÇ ÊõßóÐøöÈóÇäö
57 . Which is it , of the favors of your Lord , that ye deny?
ßóÃóäøóåõäøó ÇáúíóÇÞõæÊõ æóÇáúãóÑúÌóÇäõ
58 . ( In beauty ) like the jacinth and the coral stone .
ÝóÈöÃóíøö ÂáóÇÁ ÑóÈøößõãóÇ ÊõßóÐøöÈóÇäö
59 . Which is it , of the favors of your Lord , that ye deny?
åóáú ÌóÒóÇÁ ÇáúÅöÍúÓóÇäö ÅöáøóÇ ÇáúÅöÍúÓóÇäõ
60 . Is the reward of goodness aught save goodness?
ÝóÈöÃóíøö ÂáóÇÁ ÑóÈøößõãóÇ ÊõßóÐøöÈóÇäö
61 . Which is it , of the favors of your Lord , that ye deny?
æóãöä ÏõæäöåöãóÇ ÌóäøóÊóÇäö
62 . And beside them are two other gardens ,
ÝóÈöÃóíøö ÂáóÇÁ ÑóÈøößõãóÇ ÊõßóÐøöÈóÇäö
63 . Which is it , of the favors of your Lord , that ye deny?
64 . Dark green with foliage .
ÝóÈöÃóíøö ÂáóÇÁ ÑóÈøößõãóÇ ÊõßóÐøöÈóÇäö
65 . Which is it , of the favors of your Lord , that ye deny?
ÝöíåöãóÇ ÚóíúäóÇäö äóÖøóÇÎóÊóÇäö
66 . Wherein are two abundant springs .
ÝóÈöÃóíøö ÂáóÇÁ ÑóÈøößõãóÇ ÊõßóÐøöÈóÇäö
67 . Which is it , of the favors of your Lord , that ye deny?
ÝöíåöãóÇ ÝóÇßöåóÉñ æóäóÎúáñ æóÑõãøóÇäñ
68 . Wherein is fruit , the date palm and pomegranate
ÝóÈöÃóíøö ÂáóÇÁ ÑóÈøößõãóÇ ÊõßóÐøöÈóÇäö
69 . Which is it , of the favors of your Lord , that ye deny?
Ýöíåöäøó ÎóíúÑóÇÊñ ÍöÓóÇäñ
70 . Wherein ( are found ) the good and beautiful .
ÝóÈöÃóíøö ÂáóÇÁ ÑóÈøößõãóÇ ÊõßóÐøöÈóÇäö
71 . Which is it , of the favors of your Lord , that ye deny?
ÍõæÑñ ãøóÞúÕõæÑóÇÊñ Ýöí ÇáúÎöíóÇãö
72 . Fair ones , close guarded in pavilions
ÝóÈöÃóíøö ÂáóÇÁ ÑóÈøößõãóÇ ÊõßóÐøöÈóÇäö
73 . Which is it , of the favors of your Lord , that ye deny?
áóãú íóØúãöËúåõäøó ÅöäÓñ ÞóÈúáóåõãú æóáóÇ ÌóÇäøñ
74 . Whom neither man nor jinn will have touched before them
ÝóÈöÃóíøö ÂáóÇÁ ÑóÈøößõãóÇ ÊõßóÐøöÈóÇäö
75 . Which is it , of the favors of your Lord , that ye deny?
ãõÊøóßöÆöíäó Úóáóì ÑóÝúÑóÝò ÎõÖúÑò æóÚóÈúÞóÑöíøò ÍöÓóÇäò
76 . Reclining on green cushions and fair carpets .
ÝóÈöÃóíøö ÂáóÇÁ ÑóÈøößõãóÇ ÊõßóÐøöÈóÇäö
77 . Which is it , of the favors of your Lord , that ye deny?
ÊóÈóÇÑóßó ÇÓúãõ ÑóÈøößó Ðöí ÇáúÌóáóÇáö æóÇáúÅößúÑóÇãö
78 . Blessed be the of thy Lord , Mighty and Glorious!
