قرآن اور حدیث

The Holy Qur'an

Recite Online Urdu Translation Recite Sura

English Translation
Sura | Ayah | Word
Arabic Only
Sura | Ayah | Word
Urdu Translation
Sura | Ayah | Word
[Developed By: Nauman Rajput - dynasoft.web@gmail.com]
æóÇáÊøöíäö æóÇáÒøóíúÊõæäö
1 . By the fig and the olive ,
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2 . By Mount Sinai ,
æóåóÐóÇ ÇáúÈóáóÏö ÇáúÃóãöíäö
3 . And by this land made safe ;
áóÞóÏú ÎóáóÞúäóÇ ÇáúÅöäÓóÇäó Ýöí ÃóÍúÓóäö ÊóÞúæöíãò
4 . Surely We created man of the best stature
Ëõãøó ÑóÏóÏúäóÇåõ ÃóÓúÝóáó ÓóÇÝöáöíäó
5 . Then We reduced him to the lowest of the low ,
ÅöáøóÇ ÇáøóÐöíäó ÂãóäõæÇ æóÚóãöáõæÇ ÇáÕøóÇáöÍóÇÊö Ýóáóåõãú ÃóÌúÑñ ÛóíúÑõ ãóãúäõæäò
6 . Save those who believe and do good works , and theirs is a reward unfailing .
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7 . So who henceforth will give the lie to thee about the judgment?
ÃóáóíúÓó Çááøóåõ ÈöÃóÍúßóãö ÇáúÍóÇßöãöíäó
8 . Is not Allah the most conclusive of all judges?
